The Lamentations of Seven Souls

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Riddle sighed as he closed the door to his dorm room after giving a brief explanation of the events of the ceremony to a semi concerned Trey, who had asked permission to spend the ceremony shopping for ingredients for desserts for the unbirthday party in a few days. A request he had reluctantly granted due to the practicality of it. He began to strip off his ceremonial robes. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop thinking about that girl. She had commanded those students who were with her like she was born to, and Crowley didn't seem to be willing to go against her. She even made that monster stop attacking without using force! And the way she fought Crowley on her familiar's behalf... it was breathtaking. He sighed, she carried herself like a true queen. Graceful, commanding, ... beautiful.

He shook his head violently. No, he did not have time for... whatever this was! The unbirthday party was in less than a week! Of course every student had to have a birthday on every other day that would have worked for every one. He had work to do, couldn't afford to be distracted by beautiful women with kind voices- wait, no!

He finished changing out of his robes into a pair of pajamas and sighed. This girl felt... different somehow. He felt like he had known her his whole life, as utterly cliche as that sounds.

Riddle turned out the lights and crawled into bed, hoping the beautiful red head wouldn't haunt unconscious thoughts as well.

He was wrong, of course, as his mind filled with images of her in a beautiful red dress, with him chasing her through the rose maze with them both laughing like mad all the way.


Leona leaned against his dorm room balcony, still in his robes after rushing past Ruggie and the other students, completely ignoring them, slamming the door in his slightly concerned face. Him having no idea what had gone on at the ceremony, having stayed behind to do one of his many part time jobs of hauling the student luggage to the dorms. He stared up at the moon. It was full tonight, he sighed. A girl was going here now, great. That meant he might have to make adjustments to his plan if she went snooping, which she probably would. She seemed intelligent, and strong, too. She reminded him of the woman back home, and had the same unwavering vitality his sister-in-law always seemed to have. And since she was a lady, he wouldn't be able to hurt or threaten her even if he wanted to.

He put his face into his hands, but that wasn't the only reason, was it? No, there was another reason that made him respect her more than most. She was a leader, yes, but she was a good leader. She had her guys doing tasks with pointed looks and nods of the head, and while they never jumped in to help her with anything during the ceremony, he would bet his title as a prince that they did that because they knew damn well that her familiar's little incident would be a cake walk for her.

Which meant she was decently powerful, and that in turn meant if she went against him he would be put through hell. He might have tried to get her on his side, if it wasn't for her being very eager to make friends with Draconia for very transparent reasons. He huffed, he was caught between a rock and a hard place.

Frustrated, he made his way over to his bed and flopped down. Normally he would have been asleep within three seconds, but that girl was keeping him awake.


Her name rang in his ears, and he groaned, trying to will his mind to be quiet. To ignore his few memories of the beautiful woman and- seven damn it why was he so fixated on her?! He glared up at the ceiling, as if trying to force answers out of it. He laid his arm over his eyes and sighed.

'What a pain', he thought.

The king of Savannahclaw did not fall asleep for a long time, and when he did, his dreams were filled with red hair and mirthful laughter as the two of them sat among the rocks of his homeland, chatting.

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