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Sebek huffed as he stared down at his sleeping dormmate. His lazy upperclassman looked so damn peaceful laying on that bed of moss. He couldn't believe Lady Cassandra had put in the effort to not only summon the moss bed to make that human more comfortable, but also took the time and resources to grow flowers, weave them into a flower crown, and give both that and a large pile of ripe fruit to him. She was worried he had slept through lunch! How kind she was, taking so much time to help his good for nothing upperclassman, even when he brought his circumstance upon himself! How generous!

Sebek wanted to cry. Oh, how jealous he was! He wished more than anything to be in Silver's place! The lucky bastard! And that got him thinking about his other rivals in love. Asim had already moved the Lady to tears with his gift, and those two Heartslabyul students followed her around like lost puppies! To say nothing of those other men in her Court! Oh, his aching heart!

Sebek then slapped himself hard across the face. No, he refused to lose! He would devotely serve his lady as he would his master! He would show her that only he could fulfill her every need! He wouldn't lose those humans!

Glaring down at Silver, a very agitated and determined Sebek lamented about what had led him here.


Sebek stared, wide eyed and gaping at the woman he now identified as the love of his life as she showed the two Heartslabyul students how to do the choke hold she had him in mere moments ago using the strawberry blonde man as a test dummy. His mother had told him tales of the infamous True Love, of soulmates as a child. Of how two people could know each other for barely a day, and know that person was who they wanted to spend the rest of their life with. As he saw his Lady joke around with the man in her choke hold, the strawberry blonde in question making overly exaggerated choking noises, he knew for certain.

'I love her...'

Sebek's face then started to resemble a tomato even more than it already had as he came to terms with the realization. His expression did not go unnoticed by the vampiric members of the Court, who gave him a glance and decided to cross whatever bridge Sebek was building when they came to it. His expression was also noticed by the two youngest members of the Court, who were seated under the same tree they had been sleeping under practically all lunch.

"There goes another one.", Skip said as he popped a candy into his mouth. A caramel and chocolate covered date, apparently. Grim, who was seated beside the child for once and not on top of his head, looked to his companion in confusion.

"What's that supposed to mean?", the familiar asked as he munched on a pomegranate seed. It was good, not as good as tuna, but good. His friend looked at him with a deadpan expression and a raised eyebrow.

"Grim, I'm twelve, not stupid. I know what goes on between two people who're in love. You've noticed how Cassandra acts with the guys, right? With everyone in the Court besides me, you and Griffin?"

Grim blinked, not really understanding what weird human (or vampire) thing he was getting at.

"You mean how they're always around her or touching her, and how their scents are all over her?", Grim answered hesitantly. Skip blinked, surprised by his answer.

"Uh, yeah, that. That means that they are in love with Cassandra. Other signs of this are red faces, shocked expressions, the giving of gifts, and other affectionate gestures.", the dark skinned boy listed off the 'signs of love' as if he were one of the narrators in a drug comercial.

"Oh, so they're like her mates?", Grim said as he ate another seed. Skip grinned.

"Yeah, exactly! She actually calls them that. Her current official mates are Ash, Eiji, Yue and Shorter. Ace and Deuce are likely potential mates, though those two have probably yet to figure that out. Other likely potential mates for her are that Kalim guy and now Sebek. When I said 'there goes another one', I meant he did the one thing that determines whether or not Cassandra makes him hers."

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