Diamonds and Hearts

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Neither of them broke the stare-off for a while, because neither really knew how to react. How do you react to finding a boy you care about, singing of all things about how his feelings for you would destroy him? How do you react to the girl who is unconsciously decimating you emotionally seeing you wax poetic in song about all your inner thoughts and feelings that you never wanted anyone to know about?

Cater, apparently, found the answer to his question first, because without any sort of warning, he bolted in the opposite direction, away from the cause of his problems. Cassandra was left blinking in shock at the empty space where Cater used to be as the boy got the heck outta dodge with the speed of Usain Bolt.

A few seconds passed, and when the golden eyed girl realized she had unconsciously put her fellow redhead in a social fight-or-flight situation. Clearly, he had chosen flight.

Cassandra smiled annoyedly as she watched Cater run off further into the distance, arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.

"It's cute that you think you can run from me, sweetling.", she said, and like that she was off.

Cater was about a few yards past the treeline of the forest, when his sprint was halted by a wolfishly grinning Cassandra, who was leaning against a tree on a hill two yards above where he stood with crossed arms and legs.

"So, come here often?", she asked. Cater didn't answer and stood in shocked silence. How had she gotten ahead of him?!

With impossible speed, the irked redhead made her way down the hill in the blink of an eye and pinned Cater to a nearby tree, caging him between her arms. The green eyed boy became even more nervous than he already was when he saw the very apparent scowl on his captor's face.

"Enough, Cater. Running away won't solve your problems. Tell me what's wrong.", Cassandra ordered, sternly yet softly, as Cater did his best to avoid her piercing gaze by looking to the side.

"Nothing's wrong, I'm fine- ", he started to say, about to give his usual speech on how whoever saw whatever did made things seem worse than they were and nothing was wrong, when Cassandra clasped a hand over his mouth mid-sentence and made him look her in her blazing eyes, her scowl even deeper than before.

"Shut. Up. Do not give me the 'everything is fine' speech when it clearly is not.", the girl growled out, golden eyes glowing in anger, not at him, but at his situation. Cater had to physically resist the urge to moan at this.

He was pinned to a tree in the middle of nowhere by a hot woman who oozed big dom energy. If this situation had less context, he would ideally be halfway out of his clothes and covered in hickies, but we can't always get what we want, now can we?

Cassandra removed her hand, put both her arms down, and gave Cater a serious look.

"Now tell me what's wrong.", she repeated. Cater crossed his arms and glared at her, but he looked more angry with himself than the girl in front of him.

"You really want to know? Fine. It's you.", he reluctantly spat out, sounding more sad than angry. Cassandra's eyes widened in surprise.

"Me?", she asked, an eyebrow raised as she pointed to herself. Cater nodded and narrowed his eyes, frowning.

"Yes you. You just act however you want and say whatever you want without thinking of the consequences, don't you? You don't even know how you affect others, do you? How you affect me!?", the redheaded boy elaborated as he placed a hand on his chest to emphasize his words, causing Cassandra to be even more confused.

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