After-Dinner Coffee and Roivoodorus

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"Thank you.", Malleus said as Cassandra handed him a steaming mug of coffee. He was sitting on one of the living room couches, sandwiched in between Lilia and Silver who both had their own mugs. They were the only non-residents still there, as everyone else had gone home after the 'incident'. Cassandra smiled at him, nodded and sat down on a plush chair in front of them.

"Sorry again about Ash, he's developed the unfortunate tendency of stabbing things he doesn't like due to his upbringing. That and I think he was kind of drunk... ", the redhead apologized once more. Ash, who was standing in the hall with his back leaned against the stair railing, flipped her off; but a stern look from her and a smack on the head from Eiji, who was walking up the stairs, made him put it down and return to his pouting. Lilia gave her a strained smile.

"Don't be, it wasn't your fault. Though, I have to ask, will Sebek be alright? I know the fork missed his jugular, but... ", the red eyed fae asked, concerned. Cassandra gave him a reassuring smile.

"He'll be fine, Yue is removing the fork as we speak.", she stated. In the kitchen, Sebek was laid out on the table, still unconscious. Yue was observing where the fork had been stabbed, and once he knew exactly what nerves the piece of cutlery was affecting, he nodded to Shorter, who held Sebek's shoulders down as the other boy gripped the fork tightly.

"Time to wake up, croc-boy!", Yue huffed as he yanked the fork out. Sebek shot up with a gasp, and Shorter was forced to jump back.

"LADY CASSANDRA!", the now conscious half-fae screamed as he reached a hand out for a girl that wasn't there. Both boys covered their ears with their hands and winced.

"This guy's got one hell of a set of lungs.", the purple haired boy muttered. Sebek began to look around in confusion, and Yue put his hands on his hips and scowled.

"Hey, tall green and loud, snap out of it!", the annoyed boy snapped. Sebek looked at him in surprise, and Yue continued.

"You've been out for half an hour. Ash stabbed you after you harassed Cassandra- ", the purple eyed boy explained. Sebek gasped and bolted into the living room.

"Lady Cassandra!", he yelled again. Shorter watched him run in fascination.

"He sure can move when he wants to... ", the boy mumbled.

Sebek came skidding into the living room, only mildly surprising everyone due to all the yelling. Then, much to Cassandra's mortification, he hit the floor and prostrated himself in front of her.

"Please forgive my foolishness!", he begged. Lilia and the others looked at him in exasperation, and Cassandra looked at him in embarrassment.

"You're fine Sebek, I was just a little startled by your actions. If anything, it's not you that should be sorry.", Cassandra consoled, before glaring at Ash, who was leaning against the stair railing with a scowl on his face. Everyone turned to look at him, and his scowl intensified.

"I'm not apologizing.", he stated. Cassandra glared harder at him, and Ash sighed.

"Ugh, fine; I'm sorry I stabbed you with a fork.", the blonde relented with extreme reluctance. Cassandra's glare disappeared and she nodded in approval, causing Ash's scowl to mellow out as well. Sebek got back on his feet and Ash's and Cassandra's eyes in embarrassment.

"Yes well, I once again apologize for my forwardness. I've been told I have a tendency to get over-excited by those around me. I assure you, this will never happen again.", the yellow-green eyed boy vowed in a meek tone, a shocking show of shyness that shocked his dormmates. Cassandra stood up and walked up to him, taking his chin into her hand and turning his head gently towards her. The redhead gave him a reassuring smile, and Sebek blushed furiously.

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