The Gypsy Boy and The Cat, The Prince and The Popstar

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It was a warm, quiet night. The leaves of the forest rustled slightly in the wind, the crickets chirped, and if you stopped and listened very closely, you could hear the crashing of waves on the nearby beach and the howling of high wind blowing around the tall towers of the pristine white castle known as Royal Sword Academy.

There was almost no one awake to listen, however, due to the fact RSA students weren't the type of people to stay out past curfew. The young men who attended that academy were those who respected the rules of their school and laws of their homelands, something they prided themselves on.

Well, most of them at least.

Beyond the tree line, and deep within the woods, there laid a meadow. Wildflowers covered the ground, and the sound of the rustling of the grass in the wind filled the air. It was a peaceful place, unknown and untouched by the world, save for the two young men there now.

One moved with the gracefulness of the wind and the swiftness of the fastest of the gods creatures as he danced under the moonlight to a song only he could hear. He was clad in a white button up shirt that hung temptingly off his shoulders, tied together at the front by a string of brown leather, and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. This revealed two gold bangles, one on the right a thick cuff and one on the left a thin bracelet. His pants were a rich purple, the waistband thick and striped with thin stripes of gold and thick stripes of green. Around his waist was wrapped a matching purple scarf, decorated with glittering gold coins. For headware, he wore a set of large, dangling hoop earrings and a purple scarf he had tied around his head. As for footwear, he had none; only a single gold bangle on his right ankle.

He was beautiful, there was no denying it and simply no other way to describe him. He had hair black as the night that brushed against the nape of his neck slightly, dark skin the color of walnut wood, and a lithe, sensational figure that would make any woman froth with envy, were they not captivated by his beauty themselves. He had effeminate features. One could easily mistake him for a woman if they didn't look him over thoroughly. His eyes, however, were his most outstanding feature.

Green as emeralds and hidden under half lidded eyes and long, sooty lashes. They held a passion in them, a fire that could drive any man or woman mad with longing.

He was the embodiment of passion.

The young man continued his dance, the ringing of his tambourine disrupting the otherwise peaceful night. He danced in such a way that would have anyone stirring with awe and lust; anyone, save for his one man audience, so it seemed.

The second man in the meadow watched his companion dance from his perch on a tree branch. He laid flat on his stomach, chin in his left hand and feet kicking back and forth in the air. His tail swished behind him as well, and his large, fluffy feline ears twitched in time with the sound of the simplistic music. He wore a curious and entertained expression, completely enraptured by the masterful performance before him.

The beastman had purple hair with faded white streaks, the left and right sides of his hair held back by three black hair clips each. His hair was uneven and messy, with strands seeming to fly into the air with a mind of their own. His eyes were slitted, their color a glowing gold that stood out in the night. He wore a baggy white button up that was practically falling off his shoulders over a purple and light purple striped shirt. His nails were painted a dark purple, and on his right ring finger, he wore a ring that depicted a large grin under eyes like his own. His only other accessories were his ear piercings; on the left, a gold speech bubble reading 'UP', and on the right, three arrows that read, almost illegibly, 'This way', 'That way', and 'Down way'.

Out of all the man's outstanding features, however, one seemed to steal the show; his smile. It was cat-like in nature, like the rest of him, but what made it stand out was the slight upward curve in the middle. It made it look similar to a cat's muzzle, cementing the likeness.

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