The Trials of Sebek Zigvolt

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Sebek was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

He had spent all day, all day looking for Cassandra Mikaelson, but he hadn't so much as caught a glimpse of her.

Everytime he got close to finding her, it was like she had moved halfway across campus just to get away from him.

When he looked for her before the start of school, she wasn't in the halls. When he asked the teachers about her classes, they told him that their schedules were completely different. He would look for her after each class in the hopes of catching her, but he had always just missed her. This had happened two times already today, and now he was going on a third.

Currently, he was on the athletics field. He had been given leave by Professor Crewel to go find her and speak with her. He had been confused as to why he was letting him leave half an hour early on the first day, though. The only reason he got for his early release was a barely heard muttering of 'Why do I have a feeling that girl is going to make my life more complicated?'

Strange, but he got what he wanted. He spotted Coach Vargas running some second years through exercise drills. The second years had denser schedules, so it wasn't a surprise to see them having a class alongside the remaining first years. Walking up to him Sebek schooled his face into his usual expression; one of solem neutrality, the expression of a proper knight.

"Excuse me, Sir!", he barked out, shoulders squared and hands behind his back. Coach Vargas turned to face him, an eyebrow raised.

"Hmm? What do ya need, kid?", Sebek ignored his casual tone and continued to speak formally.

"I am looking for Cassandra Mikaelson! My master has requested that I help her with anything she requires! To do so, I must find her, but I have been unable thus far! I was told this was her current class!", Coach Vargas blinked at his overly formal way of speaking and responded.

"Sorry kid, but you just missed her. She and her dorm mates finished their assigned exercises early. They left for an early lunch about ten minutes ago."

Sebek wanted to scream. This was the third time this had occurred. If he didn't find that girl and help her in some way, he would fail his young master and mentor, as well as the young woman who saw past his master's intimidating reputation and gave him the recognition he deserved. That was the last thing he ever wanted to do.

"Do you know where they went to take their lunch?", He asked, hoping to the Seven that he at least knew that much. Coach Vargas gained a contemplative expression.

"Now that you mention it, they did keep talking about the forest behind the botanical gardens. My guess is they're probably there."

Sebek smiled in triumph. Finally, he would find the girl!

"I thank you for your time, sir!", he said with a small bow of his head, and with that, he was off to the main campus. However, he was soon stopped by the call of a slightly familiar voice.

"Hey wait! You're looking for Cassandra, right?", Sebek turned around and saw the person that called out to him was Scarabia dorm head Kalim Al-Asim, who was being tailed by his vice dorm head Jamil Viper.

'What business could these two have with Lady Cassandra?', he thought to himself as the young noble finished running towards him, his servant remaining a few feet behind him. Sebek resisted the urge to scowl. He had heard about the young master of the Asim household and his loyal servant through the grapevine of the upper class before he started attending Night Raven College. He knew about how they had been bound to each other since birth, their roles always known to them. He wished he and his young master had been bound like that. He was more than a bit jealous.

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