Knowledge is Power

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UPDATE: Okay so normally I don't go back and make edits like this to my fics, but all of you need to appreciate this GRADE A WORK OF ART that the amazing Suquarr created like the ABSOLUTE GODDESS/GOD/DIVINE BEING that they are, FOR FREE I MIGHT ADD! Just for this, I'm likely going to take a break from the new fic I started and get to work on the next chapter. Suqarr said this piece was based off of that one Scooby-doo meme where they're all standing around the book. As the author of this book, I order everyone that has read this far to stare at this masterpiece for the next few hours like I will. Again, THANK YOU SUQARR!

Kalim panted heavily as he ran down the hallway. He was wearing a red hoodie with the hood up over his dorm uniform to avoid being recognised. He couldn't exactly tell Jamil he was going to the library to research dueling; if he did, he would get all nervous and probably say something to make him think he was off to do something very illegal, or to make out with Cassandra; which, to be fair, was a valid concern.

Catching his breath, the white haired boy came to a stop outside of the library's large doors. Looking for any lingering students, he found none, though he wasn't surprised. It was the weekend, afterall.

Walking into the vast area, Kalim looked around for any sign of red hair, and after a bit of walking, he found who he was looking for in a dim alcove between two tall bookshelves. Cassandra was sitting in the middle of a large, rectangle-shaped mahogany table, surrounded by stacks of books. Her comrades stood behind her, seeming to read the book she was holding from over her shoulder.

"... We could smuggle a weapon in, like a dagger or poison needle.", a voice Kalim knew to be Yue's murmured, and Cassandra shook her head.

"No, it says here no weapons are allowed, and no fist-fighting either. It's casting tools only. It's like a gunman's duel back home; backs facing one another, ten paces forward, and then you turn around and cast. Last one standing is declared the winner. Also, I'm trying to kick Riddle's ass, not send him home in a body bag.", the woman answered. Ace scoffed and plopped down in the seat beside her, pouting.

"Jeez, take all the fun out of dueling, why don't they?", the boy grumbled. Ash gave him a pointed look.

"Easy there, you little psychopath. I think I can see why these rules are in place if more people like you exist.", the blonde said. Ace glared at him in seat, arms crossed.

"Like you can talk, Mr. I-used-to-be-a- !", Ace's mouth was promptly covered by Ash's hand, who looked livid.

"Keep your voice down, you moron! You never know who could be listening.", the green-eyed man whisper-yelled. Cassandra looked up at the altercation, and smiled when she looked at Kalim, who was peeking at them from behind a shelf.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Kalim, nice to see you could make it!", Cassandra called out to him, not seeming to care that they were in a library. Ash smirked.

"See what I mean?", he said smugly. Ace grumbled but didn't respond. Kalim took his hood off and gave his girlfriend a sheepish smile.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. It took a while to get Jamil off my scent.", the red eyed boy said as he walked behind her and draped his arms around her shoulders, while resting his head beside hers. Trey and the captive Che'nya, who had been sitting at the head of the table, looked startled at the PDA.

"So~, what we got here?", the boy whispered in Cassandra's ear, his voice coming out an octave lower than usual. Cassandra smiled and gave him a side glance.

"'Dueling Rules and Regulations', by Charles Dagworth-Granger. I refuse to go into battle uneducated and underprepared. I'm trying to see if there's a loophole here I can use to get the drop on Riddle.", the redhead explained. Kalim nodded, slowly understanding, and Cassandra put the book down so that she could rub her temples.

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