The Letter

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Mymoonah POV:

I sat in the corner of the room, fuming silently while the rest of the family swirled around me in a whirlwind of joy. It was like everyone had been struck by some collective happiness fever, a spell, and I was the only one left out in the cold. I couldn't understand how my parents had agreed to this madness, and Halima—why was she forcing herself to marry one of the Huzaifah twins, Harun and Musa, of all people? They were unbearable, and now I had to deal with them every single day even more. It felt like a cruel joke.

As if on cue, Musa peeked through the curtains that segregated the room into sections for the male and the female during this nikah function, his face contorted into an exaggerated cringe. "My Moon!" he called out, making a ridiculously over-the-top kissy face before bursting into a fit of laughter. I could feel my blood pressure rising, my fists clenching involuntarily.

 "You should see your face," he taunted, his voice dripping with mockery. "It's swollen with anger."

I turned my fist towards my ear and made a show of listening. "Oh, I hear my fists speaking," I said through gritted teeth, then glaring at him. "I think it wants you to have a swollen face too—once I smack it right into yours."

Halima, what were you thinking? I will never be able to forgive her for this. This was a nightmare. I'll have to deal with this bag of shit for the rest of my life since now he's her... brother in law? 

Her brother-in-law!!! 


What did she do to her life? Why Halima, why?

 I glared at Musa, who was still laughing like an idiot, and sighed. Now, every day was going to be a battle with this douche-bag. I couldn't believe I had to endure this for the foreseeable future.

"Hey, My Moon!" he called out with an exaggerated enthusiasm to catch my attention, like he was announcing the arrival of a celebrity before stopping to make another over the top kissy face. "Did you hear the latest news? I've just been nominated for the 'Best Annoying Cousin of the Year' award! And guess what? The trophy's already on its way—straight from your room!"

I barely looked up, rolling my eyes with annoyance. "Funny. I didn't know they were giving awards for being a complete and total jerk."

Musa wiggled his eyebrows and leaned in closer in my direction, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Oh, they're not. But clearly, you've been practicing for the 'World's Best Grump' competition. And let me tell you, you're a shoo-in for gold!"

"Oh, you're insufferable."

"What's going on in here?" Aunt Hawa's voice cut through the chaos as she marched over, her expression a mix of exasperation and authority. Without missing a beat, she shoved Musa's head out into the male's side of the room, and yanked the rest of the curtain closed with a dramatic swoosh. "You both stop arguing and stay on your sides of the room. No peeking! There's a curtain for a reason kids!"

"It wasn't me! It was your vicious son. He's bullying me!" I snitched, throwing my hands up in feigned innocence.

"I wasn't bullying anyone, Mom," Musa protested, his voice full of exaggerated indignation. "I was just showing her some love by telling her she won the 'World's Best Grump'  Award! She cursed me first. Sooo, clearly, I'm the victim here. I'm innocent!"

Aunt Hawa fixed both of us with a stern look, her patience clearly wearing thin. "Enough!" she snapped, her voice sharp as a tack. "You two are like cats and dogs. Where is Halima?"

"I don't know," I said with a shrug. "Most probably up in her room, if not here."

Mom, looking every bit the picture of elegance in her shimmering gown, approached us. The gown was a deep emerald green that sparkled with every movement, catching the light in a way that made it seem almost alive. Her hijab, a soft silk that matched the gown's hue, was adorned with delicate, glittering sequins that framed her face like a halo of stars. She looked stunningly beautiful, yet her concern was evident as she spoke. "She said she wasn't feeling well and doesn't want to meet Harun."

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