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"Cut it out, Chan ji", he glared at the intimidating boy.

I looked up at the angel in awe, though the stinging pain in my jaw was coming through boldly.

"What are you? Six? Half the bus is empty. Pick a seat instead of a fight for once," he spat at the boy with dark eyes.

"And what are you? Her brother? Boyfriend?"

"That doesn't matter, you jerk. You can't go around treating girls like that. You can't go around treating anyone like that."

His palm was still on my shoulder. He must have felt how I was quivering underneath as he turned to me, his gaze almost immediately softening. He gave me a worried look while I gave him an extremely thankful one to which he returned the slightest smile.

"Do you want to fight?" Chanji cockily asked the boy.

"I don't have time for bastards like you", he simply stated.

Before they could argue any further, the driver put the breaks once again, causing all the students to stumble, including Hyunjin, who was now almost back-hugging me while I was sitting and he was standing and bending to wrap his arms around me at that height. He quickly got back to his original position, awkwardly bowing as a gesture of apologizing. 

I jumped out of the seat and bowed similarly before realizing that we had reached our destination: the school building. I climbed out of the bus, aware of the fact that the long-haired boy was still behind me.

After debating with myself for what seemed like an eternity, I spun on my heels to meet his eyes.

He smiled and damn, I melted right there. In my head I even melted like a literal candle, considering the boy to be the fire sitting on the wig.

"Um... thank you," was all I could let out.

"Oh no, I just did what I had to. You know, you should learn to stand up for yourself."

Boy, I was so familiar with that statement.

"Yeah... when you are the victim yourself, it's easier said than done," I said, trying my best to look into his beautiful eyes.

"Well, we all go through something or the other, don't we? I'm Hwang Hyunjin, junior year," he said most graciously, giving me his hand to shake which I hesitantly accepted.

"I'm Eunmi, Park Eunmi. I'm in junior year too," I said, still looking into his eyes.

The view in front of me was simply spectacular. This boy was no joke. His long, blonde hair was mostly swept back into a man-bun with few messy hair strands complimenting his beauty, his eyes were sharply turned inwards, shouting the term "charisma" while giving roof to an indeed beautifying beauty mark, his nose was small and had a high bridge which partly cooled down his sizzling hot look, adding a touch of cuteness; his jaw-line was sharp and v-shaped with a rather unique base and his lips, man..., they looked...unreal... He looked unreal.

I guessed that he caught me lost in his looks when I saw his lips forming a cocky smirk.

"I'm pretty, aren't I?" he said, raising a brow and looking right at me.

This boy was an angel who had fallen from heaven two minutes ago and now he was starting to change my impression of him. I guess we only dream for a man to be so... nice.

I didn't exactly know how to answer that. Instead, I tried changing the subject.

"So, Hyunjin...", I looked at him and waited till he signalled me to continue, "I haven't seen you on my bus before."

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