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Was this supposed to be romantic? It sure did feel that way.

We watched the sunset on the bench, side by side, in the park that was located less than half a mile away from the law firm.

My parents didn't have to come today because it was meant to be one of the many filler days while testifying but surprisingly enough, he gave in today. He was given a sentence of ten years in prison for the crimes of murder and animal abuse. It took them long enough to judge the CCTV camera footage.

The consequences he had to face were definitely not exaggerated. He deserved it all.

"Do you remember the deal?" Hyunjin asked me.

"Deal?" I didn't catch what he meant by. There was no deal I remembered, being made in the recent past.

"Yeah, don't you remember? We agreed that we would do something fun when all of this is over. We have only twenty days remaining before senior year starts..."

He looked a bit disappointed at me not remembering the so-called deal.

"Of course I remember but I wouldn't call that a deal," I chuckled, "If you're free tomorrow, we can schedule it then," I shyly smiled.

His excitement kicked in again.

"Anytime from 11 in the morning to 5 in the evening is fine with me," he waited for my answer.

"You don't have your practice sessions?" I asked

"Before and after the time slot I gave you," he replied earning a grin from me.

"Then how about we go from 11 to 4. You'll be tired to start with your practice right away if we come back by 5," I suggested and he replied in the affirmative.

"So... where do we go then?" I asked, realizing that we hadn't even picked a place or activity yet.

"Do you like... art galleries?" he hesitantly asked.

"Yeah, I do."

"I know this art gallery that is pretty close to an amusement park. We'll be able to visit both if we go according to some sort of plan."

I felt like I was gearing up already.


"Are you done?" he asked for the tenth time sitting on my bed, while I was in the bathroom, dressing to impress.

"Eunmi, come on, it's 11:45. You said you'd be done by 11:15," I could hear him losing his patience.

I was not really accustomed to wearing make up but today was an exception. I was just at my few final finishing touches.

"Two more minutes. I swear, only two more," I said when I heard him sigh.

"I mean, you look pretty anyways. You don't need to try..."

I regretted the amount of blush I'd worn. I should've entirely skipped the blush. Being around him was enough to keep the tint up and going.

Thank god the bathroom door was closed.


While passing through the art gallery, I felt inspirations of all kinds taking over me. This form of art, like all other forms, was a crystal clear medium through which you express. The perspectives that regard to a single art piece can be so unique. 

Each piece was painted with a story. Every stroke of the brush is meant to be a story on its own. It doesn't necessarily need to be dramatic. Just each thought or even emotion that goes with every stroke of the brush is meaningful in the end. It is kind of sad that people don't give enough attention and time to analyse and appreciate these pieces thoroughly.

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