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"Pretty nice to you? You guys know each other?"

I didn't hesitate before actually hitting my mouth in attempts of punishing my loose tongue.

Hyunjin frowned. It was too late for me to fix anything. Too much had slipped from my tongue.

"Really Eunmi?"

I could hear the disappointment in his tone. Boy I did not like to make him feel like that. It made me feel worse about myself.

I had done something but that was because he needed help. I simply helped him. I at least tried...

"Eunmi, you haven't known me for more than two months and I do not appreciate you doing things behind my back like that. Like, what the fuck!?"

He was angry. He was definitely very angry. It scared me. He scared me. My pupils were shaking with fear. This time, he didn't melt like he usually did while seeing me being scared. That only assured me that he was undoubtedly furious. It was because of me. He had never been angry at me before. Not like this...

"I-I did this for your own good-"

"Oh, so now you're deciding what's good for me and what is not. Who the hell do you think you are?"

I was hurt. I was extremely hurt. I stood up from the mattress and so did he. I didn't want him to though. I got up with the intention of keeping distance so that no one could throw arms. That was probably an unnecessary precaution but that was just who I was. It was just a part of my nature to always be cautious.

I only felt worse when we had to argue while being on our feet. It was better on the ground... It felt like the problem would have resolved quicker.

"Hyunjin, I am doing this only because I care about you-"

"This isn't doing me any good, Eunmi," he pinched the bridge of his perfectly shaped nose, clearly trying to cool himself down, "don't interfere when the matter doesn't call for you, okay?"

I felt terrible at the sight of him trying not to yell at me. 

"You don't even know about how things are between my mom and I..." he whispered, extremely frustrated. His eyes were tightly shut in annoyance while his thick brows were knitted all along. I wanted to help. Yes, help. But I couldn't. I worsened things for him with the same thought as a root so no matter how good and pure that thought was, I suppressed it, knowing that it wouldn't bring any luck.

"I'm sorry..." I said. I really felt apologetic.

I guess that only increased his rage.

"What can a 'sorry' change, Eunmi?"

I wasn't feeling very good at the mention of my name.

He glared at me and all I wanted to do was collapse but a thing called "pride" prevented me from doing so.

There were no words to describe how thankful I was to the person who rung the bell right then, diverting Hyunjin's attention.

He heaved a sigh before stomping to the door like a kid.

It was hard to keep reminding myself that it wasn't the time to think about how adorable the boy was being.

I could practically see the steam coming out of his ears when he opened the door and saw the person on the other side.

On the other hand, the person's heart seemed to fill up with euphoria at the sight of Hyunjin.


I was smart enough to understand the situation and identify the woman as his mother.

He didn't say anything. He just impatiently stared at the woman. I didn't know it would be this bad. I thought that the extent of the negativity in their relationship would be them not being very kind to each other but the way he looked at her now, completely changed my perspective.

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