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Slow progress. That was the best way to describe everything happening around me.

There were four days before our finals. I was both excited and anxious.

There was half an hour left before Hyunjin would have officially completed the small crash course that I made to fit in for four sessions of two hours each.

While he put in real effort into what he was doing, I peacefully kept my elbows on my table while my face, turned towards Hyunjin, rested on my palms.

I didn't need entertainment. I was walking through an art gallery by just being fixated in that position.

The end of the thirty minutes eventually came and he caught me staring. Somehow, I didn't turn away. Someone had randomly given me the heart of a lion while I continued to shamelessly stare at him.

After being puzzled for a minute, he simply acted as a mirror, coming to the same position as me.

I smiled as he looked into my eyes too. 

"If you look at me like that for any longer, I might start assuming things."

It took me less than a second to move my flushed face.

Maybe what he thought of wasn't really an assumption after all...


Rapid downfall. That was the best way to describe everything happening around me. 

There were hardly fifteen hours left before my exam and one quarter of the time was the most I could spare on sleeping.

Stress was taking over me. I could hardly focus because of how stressed I was.

It was only English but just the idea of my first exam gave me chills. It was just another instinctive thing.

I had a bad premonition that Hyunjin was not doing too good either. It was only because of the subject that I judged so.

It was disturbing to constantly think about the boy while having to study.

To end the chattering of the mind, I ended up picking my phone to call him.

I quickly clicked on his contact and waited for the line to be picked.


"Hyunjin," I was glad he picked up.

"Something's bothering you?"

I realized only then that all we spoke about was troubles that were usually mine. 

"No. I just wanted to know if something was bothering you..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you know, we have English tomorrow..."

When I heard him exhale, I could imagine him smiling the way he did when he breathed like that.

"Sweetheart, thanks to you, I am alright."

Butterflies. That word brought every single butterfly in the world to my stomach.

"Eunmi? You there?"

After not being able to say a word, I found it pointless to go on so I hung up.

I held my crimson cheeks. He made me squeal and I didn't know whether to complain or not.


I woke up to the worst stomach ache that I hadn't had in days.

I knew the reason very well. It was because of my nervousness.

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