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Hello, beautiful reader! I am back! It feels unreal to look back on the story and pluck out little scenes here and there for this chapter written from Hyunjin's perspective. It's been a year and a half! Thank you all for the love that this story has gotten. I love you from the very bottom of my heart for being so kind as to read and vote till the very end <3 And for those who haven't voted yet, I request you to go back and press the little star button at the corner of the screen. It is really helpful!
Now, buckle up, people. You'll need it coz Hyunjin is, well..., a Piscean.

Everything seemed to be happening either in slow motion or in a blur. I'd moved only a week ago and was still getting acquainted with the new area. The place was quiet though it was in one of the deepest parts of the metropolitan city. 

I woke up at 6:30 in the morning, an hour and a half later than usual. And being the person I was, that hour meant a lot to my schedule. In a frenzy, I sped through what was necessary and heaved a sigh when I reached the bus only as the engine began revving. With a quick leap, I was on the bus- another new world. To leave the bus after two years didn't seem like a big deal five minutes ago. But now? No. I was nervous. 

My courteous smile fell not a minute later when I saw him. Chanji. Hell fucking no. He'd been in my class since middle school and man, did I hate him. The guy was big- tall and hefty with shaggy stubble on his chin. His was one of the few puberty cases that surprised me after Felix's. There was not much to his character. An a-class bully, with the smuggest attitude. And no, I had never been that brave someone to stand up for every person he'd bullied and I was not planning to do that anytime soon. No, I wasn't proud of it but I couldn't do it either...

"Why?" he yelled. I cursed myself for flinching. His big figure blocked the person he was picking on. I was curious, deadly curious to know who this person was, keeping his mouth shut as Chanji went on with his usual string of curses. 

"Do you like me?" he asked. I scoffed to myself, holding onto a handle. The bus was so much faster than the one I used to take and I was not a fan.

My eyes widened when I heard a faint "no". It was a girl. I didn't know he'd steeped so low. Why'd he pick on a girl?

I took a few steps forward, trying my best to peep over his shoulders but I had to maintain a safe distance from the babirusa. 

"How dare you take my seat?" he growled. The girl didn't say anything. I had to see her face. But by the time I made up my mind to lessen the gap, the vile man swung his bag in the air, in some savage motion. 

"Move, you simpleton!" he yelled. The bus came to an abrupt halt, making the lot of us tumble. So, when simple inertia made the devil himself bend in an attempt to not trip, the bag moved as it hit a face. The girl. I saw her for less than a second. As swiftly as I could, I squeezed past the big figure, trying my best to not be in his vision, before the scene broke my heart. 

A girl with the purest visuals I'd seen shook in her seat, a drop of blood on her pale lips. She was skinny, very skinny. Her sharp nose and doe eyes faced Chanji, her pupils shaking with terror. Before I knew it, I placed a palm on her shoulder and opened my mouth. "Cut it out, Chanji."


"Well, we all go through something or the other, don't we? I'm Hwang Hyunjin, junior year," I drew my right hand forward.

Gently, she had her hand meet mine, sending impulses up my arms and shoulder and down my spine. Her hand was cold.

"I'm Eunmi. Park Eunmi. I'm in junior year too," she said. 

Eunmi. Maybe this year wasn't going to be so bad after all...


Again, a scene in the cafeteria. I was glad I was there and I managed to speak for her again. And I found my own self impressive. 

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