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"Will you?" I asked him.

"I mean, we are officially free now, aren't we?" he replied, indicating that our exams were done.

That was a big load taken off our shoulders.

"So... will you?" I asked, trying to get him to get to the point.

"Hmm... should I?" he almost teased. He knew how badly I wished to see him dance. I had even ended up calling his mother and all of that just to give him the freedom to dance. Yet, the miraculous day of me being able to see him dance never seemed to arrive.

Therefore, I planned that day to be today. This had to be the day. Exams had just gotten over and I had headed to his house. 

The sight of Hyunjin dancing, in my head, seemed to be the perfect way to kickstart my summer vacation.

"I insist, Hyunjin," I sighed, letting go of all my ego in front of this boy.

"Don't," I warned when I saw him smirk. I was bothered even further when he found my so-called warning cute.

"So... which one do I show my dear girl," he said to himself, aloud. Enough to kill me and make me come back to life.

"Anything," I didn't look at him. I was scared that he would mistake me for someone else if he saw how different my cheeks looked when they were red. Or it was just that I didn't want to let him see the effect cast upon me, each time he used those few names.

"Oh," he popped as if he had had an epiphany, "I know what to do!" he squealed like a kid in a candy shop.

I smiled at his behaviour before taking my rightful seat on the wooden floor.

"Which song?" I asked as he speedily clicked things on his phone that I couldn't see from where I was sitting. He looked away from the phone to me.

"You've heard of 'Play with fire'? Sam Tinnesz?" he asked and I immediately nodded. I found the song odd but there was some strange relativity that I had with it. It was nice after all. I couldn't wait to see how he danced to a song with vibes such as that.

"Well... I recently choreographed the dance to this song. I think you'll like it. I won't be surprised if you do end up liking it a little too much," he winked at me before setting his phone in the corner of the studio.

Boy, come on. He had to stop with those tiny punches that he threw at me, now and then.

He ran to his room and got a rose. I wondered why he got a rose out of all things. It was probably a prop...

"I hope you like it," he whispered one last time before starting the song.

He turned around and smiled at me through the mirror while the song had just started when he went to this completely different composure that I had never seen.

The first beat came and he started. He caught me with the very first move. It put me in a trance. The way he moved his body, the way he kept changing his expressions, the way his eyes looked with every expression and most of all, the way his eyes killed me each time he gave one of those sizzling hot glances now and then, all had an effect too complex for me to explain.

It was evident that every move came with practice. Every move came with passion. Every move had a drop of sweat behind it.

The clarity with which he moved made his story clear, made his way of conveying emotions absolutely crystal clear.

When he picked up the rose, the entire dance felt like it had transcended to a completely different place. The grace with which he danced while holding the rose, simply looked ethereal.

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