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[Hyunjin's point of view]

"Do you know how to operate the shower?" I asked, just as I sat on the bench next to the space below the shower head.

"I gue-guess," she stuttered, with the shakiest glance. I don't even know if it was meant to be a glance. But either way, it was undoubtedly friendly... and cute.

There was no going against it. It was just another fact to accept- my friend was adorable. That's simply how she is.

"Feel free to use anything," I smiled, pointing at the minimal number of cleansing products that were placed on a small plate-like thing that was attached to the wall next to the one that held the shower head.

There is no clear way of explaining what happened next. It could only define the term- "incomprehensible".

There was an odd languor that lingered in the air, quickly taking over the atmosphere. It was followed by an equally odd passionate stroke of fire that had randomly ignited between Eunmi and me.

As much as I did, I could see her as well, getting lost in this sort of trance that was put upon us.

"Go on," I looked into her eyes.

A minute later, she slowly began to strip. I was surprised at how she hadn't left my eyes yet. She would have usually turned into a red ball by now but it looked like the trance had taken over her pretty well, just like the way it took over me.

By the time the last piece of fabric was off her skin, my lips had completely parted.

Once she turned on the shower, the streams of water that trickled down her skin revealed the most ethereal sight that I had ever seen till now. This was different. It was nothing that I had ever imagined or even could have imagined. It was beyond the capacity of my brains.

Her hair that now cleaved onto her neck had its own effect while the way her hands almost attempted to hide herself had another. That was when I realized how skinny she really was. Honestly, it was a little concerning. Nevertheless, that didn't really seem as a... drawback. It wasn't a drawback. It was just the way she was and I couldn't find one thing that was not appealing about that.

We looked into each other's eyes with a very clear emotion. It is just sad that it can't really be put into words. The late haze of the sun was just another element that perked the glow of her skin. The moment was just... surreal.

I heard the whistling of the bulbuls that had recently laid its nest in a tree that was situated on the opposite side of the street.

The sound acted like a wake-up call for me. It was only then that the situation hit me. Eunmi stood right in front of me, stark naked.


I hated to be the one who ended the moment. 

I looked down and sighed, realizing everything that was happening. I guess that was when Eunmi woke up too.

She quickly turned around, hugging herself and got back to being a flustered mess as she was originally supposed to be.

I could feel my face heat up too. This wasn't healthy for my heart...


Right... short chapter. I wanted to keep it this way :)

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Thank you^^

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