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Thank you so much for being with the story till now. This is how it officially ends~

Like I mentioned at the end of the previous chapter, I'M SORRY FOR THE CLICHE ENDING!!! I really mean it when I say that I'm sorry... 

On the other hand, if you didn't find the story too cliche, I hope this fanfic did give you a nice wave of emotions that I meant to convey through every chapter.

Again, I know it is unrealistic but in the end, this is a fanfiction. Just like the name, this is fictional. 

If anyone out there is facing an eating disorder just like Eunmi, stay strong and be brave. All of this is coming from my personal experience. I know how hard it is to go through an eating disorder...

Another thing I wanted to ask you was to not be a silent reader! Please do voice out your thoughts in the comments section...

One question though... Who was your favourite character? 

Mine was pretty sensibly Hyunjin :)

And that is it! "Help|| Hwang Hyunjin" is done and dusted with. At least for me...

Stan Stray kids for clear skin~

Thank you once again^^


26/10/2023- Hello beautiful readers! It's been two years and this book has reached plenty. I love you all so much for all the support. It's what keeps a writer going. Looking back on this book, it is kind of embarrassing -_- I mean, it's so wordy and cringy and everything but you guys stayed till the very end so thank you soooooo much for that

I don't regret it though. It has really given me the courage and will to continue to write and like I said before, it is all thanks to you. If you haven't checked out Gemini yet, please do. The writing style is a tad bit mature and should hopefully be easier on the eye than this book. It revolves around Yuna and Chan and is bit more of a rollercoaster than the innocent story of the younger protagonists of this book. But please do not expect too drastic of an improvement. I don't want to give false hopes :)

But, there is another book coming after that! Comment your guesses as to who that will be on.

The real purpose for me to write today is to ask whether you guys would like me to write a little from Hyunjin's perspective to give a little tail to this story. Like just a chapter or two. No promises but stay tuned!


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