708 22 17

"You know, I actually did hear what you said to Yuna the other day."

One moment was all it took for me to recall the incident before I choked on my own saliva and coughed horridly. When I turned to Hyunjin, he looked... satisfied.

"Everything?" I asked just to confirm if he actually heard the entire conversation.

"Everything I had to...," he smirked.

No... NOPE.

I was practically on the verge of dying.

"...Including the part that you like me."

I hung my head in despair. It wasn't like I could go back in time and make sure that he didn't hear any of it.

"So... now that you do know...-"

My soul successfully left my body when Hyunjin pulled me closer by my waist and landed his plump lips on mine.

I was aghast at the sudden movement. Not once did I have the will to push him away. My brain simply stopped sending signals, resulting in the freezing of my body.

Driven by the thought that this might really be a once-in-a-life-time chance, I gave in my all, trying to keep up with his lips that did wonders. 

Involuntarily, my hand went to his nape while the other settled at the back of his head where I lightly tugged his satin-like, long, black hair.

I could feel him smiling in the kiss. I couldn't do the same because of how focused I was.

"I taste orange," he whispered pausing the now passionate kiss for a second.

"It's the soda," I chuckled, feeling my own breath bounce back from his lips.

I could sense how satisfied he was when I was the one who initiated to continue from where we had left off.

My standards for deserts soared to the sky. His lips were unbeatable...

If Hyunjin's hand hadn't gripped onto my thigh, I would have probably fallen out of the seat when I felt his tongue, squeezing between my lips, paving its way inside my mouth. There was nothing suggestive about where his hand was. It was pretty low, close to my knee but just the tongue thing made me feel like a piece of paper, unable to withstand the wind. I was flying so high that I was slowly starting to fear the amount of pain that would hit me once I fall back to the ground.

It didn't pain as much as I had predicted when we did come back to the ground, truly coming back to the planet only when the conductor cleared his throat, indicating a stop to more than one thing. He looked disgusted.

I was at the peak of embarrassment, my flushed face spoke for me, while Hyunjin seemed indifferent. What was that boy?

We continued to mindlessly roam around for sometime and I showed absolutely no interest in speaking to make things awkward. 

It took everything in me to say what I said next.

"Is it wrong for me to really want to continue what we were doing?"

Hyunjin smirked.


I didn't seem to wake up.

Even if the next thing he did was pulling me to the corner before engulfing my lips in his that were embedded with warmth.


"You can't just blush and look away each time I speak to you..." he almost whined.

And just like how I had done the past twenty times, I looked at him before the same scarlet shade painted my ears, causing me to look away. Again.

"Oh, come on, Eunmi!" Through the blush, I was amused at the sight of him getting annoyed at something like this.

The Uber we rode, dropped us to the front gates of the colony and Hyunjin insisted on walking me back home and honestly after the incident with the animal abuser, I didn't even try to refuse once. 

We were now entering the seventh main street, where my house sat proudly, at the end.

He turned to me, firmly holding an arm against my back so that I wouldn't trip from the sudden impact of him landing his lips on mine. I probably woke up only now... I kissed him back.

Once he detached his lips from mine, I was too embarrassed to look at him. Without thinking any further, I buried my head in his chest and by the up and down motion of it along with his voice, I knew that he was laughing.

I playfully banged a fist on his chest and that only increased his volume.

I couldn't help but smile myself.

What was even happening today?


I threw myself on the bed, exhausted from the lengthy schedule that was followed today. I was honestly pretty stupid to think that I would actually fall asleep.

After everything that happened today? Yeah right.

An assortment of thoughts swam in my head together. Now that I was dating  Hyunjin, things were bound to be different. Not too different though.

My heart started rapidly beating at the thought of me telling about any of this to my parents or sister. It further raced at the thought of Yuna taunting me all the time.

Wow. Everything felt different.

An oblique calmness soothed my mind when I imagined a picture of Hyunjin in my head. Just the way he looked today in the amusement park, holding a soda in his hand.

And just like that, I slowly drifted into a deep slumber.



Only one more chapter to go ㅠㅠ

Is this a little too unrealistic? I'm sorry... But in the end this is a fan fiction. You see the word "fiction"?

But if it does happen to be a little too cringe-worthy, I sincerely apologize. I'm trying my best to make it readable.

Thank you so much for all the love and support till now^^

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