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If there was one last thing I wanted to do before I die, that would be to swear at every single soul that I have internally cursed for more than one eternity.

Senior year, in my frantic mind, was a year of books and friendship and farewells for it meant the last year of school.

But the reality was quite different. It was all about couples snogging around, people being teased around in the name of so-called fun and finding every chance there was to rebel against teachers.

That was at least how the first month went. The energy and chaos steadily died down as the second month approached.

It was... unfamiliar. Being with Yuna as my true bestie again without people like Chanji or even Hyunjin around felt like a new start. Right, Hyunjin wasn't in the same high school as me anymore.

My mom allowed me to move to the campus for the last year. Yuna showed no interest in volunteering to move in but only because of me shifting, she came too. We were more than just lucky to be able to choose our roommates. Yuna and I shared a room with a girl who was new to our high school. 

Living on campus was another matter on its own. It was utterly ridiculous. It made me realize how protected I was at home. There were so many unnecessary and troublesome events going on all the time. Nights got especially wild. Not to mention, the story above us, sheltered the boys. That was the predominant cause of our distress. 

I wouldn't really call it distress. It was not normal for me but I didn't mind it. I found it... fun.

But was I getting spoilt? I won't deny the fact that I was exposed to a ton of crap that even if I knew before, I hadn't put it into perspective with practicality. But that didn't mean I was getting influenced. Some adhesive had my morals sticking to me. Perhaps it was nothing more than my consciousness.

Yuna? Well, she was definitely not as reserved as me but she too had her morals intact.

Bangchan, Minho and Changbin lived in the story above us too.

Felix, Jisung and Seungmin stayed in the building next to ours as they were juniors.

Jeongin, who was now a sophomore, had switched schools along with Hyunjin.

And you might have guessed it. Hyunjin was able to successfully get into SOPA. He had company there too, Jeongin.

The six boys living on campus were a lot friendlier than I already thought they were. Thanks to Yuna, I was able to get a lot closer to them.


As I stomped across the empty hallway of the school, my exasperation was as high as it could get.

Even if Chanji wasn't a student of our school anymore, others surprisingly proved themselves to be just as annoying as him. Probably even more. 

The worst part was that their looks never radiated their true wickedness. They feigned it just as well as their make-up feigning their skin. Yes, they were all girls. A group of girls spoilt from head to toe. There were four of them and each one was only worse than the other. 

I recalled one of them being the same girl who looked like she was ready to throw her hands on me when I was walking with Hyunjin on that grey day, Chaeji. The irony in the similarity between the names of two oh-so-familiar people is mind-boggling...

But why was I even exasperated? Only because of a group project that involved Bangchan, two of the four girls Chaeji and Soomin, and I.

You can say that Bangchan and I were basically a team. That's it. We were the only ones who actually knew what was going on. I doubt the fact that they even knew what the project was about.

Yet, like the obedient girl I am, I agreed to all of their queenly orders for absolutely nothing. I was just spoiling them further.

As I walked out of the gates of the particular building, I huffed, imagining the thick steam coming out of both my ears.

More than them, I was angry at myself. I was angry at myself for being an ass whole by taking forward my service. 

Just the ten-meter distance from the building to the next, which was where my dear bed was calling for me, seemed like a long trek while I was clutching onto the pile of books that blocked half of my vision.

"You still struggle the same way," I heard a chuckle while I craned my neck in all directions, trying different angles to catch a glimpse of the source. I guessed in my mind but the source couldn't be him. 

I was proven wrong. I was more than ecstatic that I was proven wrong.

"Hyunjin!" I squealed before flimsily setting the pile on the ground and running to crush him in a hug.

Right, I thought I could crush that dancer with the strength of an ant that I had... I was lamely exhausting myself.

Hyunjin on the other hand played the role of a normal person, snuggling into the hug that I had initiated.

"How did you get in here?" I asked, genuinely surprised at the unsaid visit of the boy who still looked like an angel who fell from heaven.

"I'm an alumnus," he proudly said, swaying his body with the excitement that had filled him up.

I hadn't seen him in a month and a half. There was no way I could be anywhere close to unhappy.

"Eat well," he said, picking up half of the pile from the ground.

"Will do," I mindlessly replied, not bothering too much. It was just another casual thing now. 

"Where's Yuna?" 


"What do you mean by 'why'?" he almost laughed.

It had been only two months. I was curious about everything he wanted to do. I wanted to learn from him. I was being a little too devoted without really noticing it.

"Just asking..." I was a little embarrassed realizing that I was overdoing whatever I was doing.

"I thought her birthday was tomorrow."

Fuck. How could I forget? What kind of a best friend was I? Even Hyunjin remembered the date!

I cursed aloud before running to the dorm while Hyunjin, finding pleasure in my hassle, trailed behind me.

Things remained as abnormal as they could get when I found my steps being tampered with by a foreign body on the steps. Naturally, I tripped and fell back

Before I could hit the ground, I was gently taken into the hold of a very well-known soul. I looked back at Hyunjin who was surprised at the now horrified girl. I on the other hand, helplessly looked into his eyes. What else do you expect me to do?

"Hyu- Hyunjin?"

Chaeji. Of course. She had gotten way over Hyunijn. At least that's what I thought. I mean, she had a boyfriend. I had seen her with someone else before, doing much more... intimate stuff. That was how I assumed that she wasn't really flying solo; that he was her boyfriend.

Hyunjin tilted his head with a half-annoyed and half-impressed look, seeing the girl taking steps of a cat, in a clear attempt to seduce him. He helped me get back on my feet and the Chaeji looked like she was ready to dig a knife into my cheeks when she saw Hyunjin smiling at them glowing.

"Hyunjin. Hello," she sickeningly wiggled her fingers.

This was the closest I could relate to normal. At least that was a good thing...



Forgive the cliche ending! Bye! Thank you again^^ 

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