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I panicked. My knuckles hurt from how much I tensed them while leaving a few many loud knocks on the door.

When the door opened, I heaved my way into the small place and went right on my knees, my hands on the same joints while my head hung down. My panting didn't seem to come to an end. It went on and on.

The one who opened the door slowly shut it before kneeling down in front of me and lifting my chin up. 

"I know," he whispered and all the residual courage and strength inside me, combusted when I leaped onto him, catching him in a hug.

"It's okay," he hushed me, gently running his fingers through my hair while the other hand rested on my back.

"Hyunjin, I-"

"I know. It's alright. Everything is going to be fine. It's a good thing, yeah? It's almost done, Eunmi. We're somewhere near the end."

It was a week after the day I had successfully given the young man the money but he still wouldn't leave me.

The police did find evidences about the murder that lead to him being a suspect. It was all leaning towards the brighter side when the victim's daughter said that she had seen me during the scene of crime. She didn't know whether I took part in the murder or I was just a witness of the crime. After a messed up interrogation, I was allowed to testify because I was proven innocent.

But the true criminal was against the idea. He wanted to prove me guilty. I guess that's just natural.

But for me, it wasn't a joke. It took a lot for me to be proven innocent and now I was back to being suspicious. The worst part was when the girl involved me in the case, my family obviously found out about the entire situation. They took it pretty hard. 

Hyunjin, being the sweetest boy, tagged along with me each time I had to head to the law firm.

Just the previous day was an exception for my parents insisted that they would come instead.

Today it was going to be Hyunjin, my sister and I. It was undoubtedly unusual for Chaeyoung to join but that girl was capricious at her own level. I had failed to understand her for years and I still continue to do so.

I was scared out of my wits for meaningful reasons. Still I kept reminding myself to be grateful. Had the police not found out, I would have fallen deeper into the sea of danger that I was already swimming in. I was probably only floating on the surface now. I would have certainly dived deeper if things got a little out of hand without the rightful people finding out about the situation, leading me to eventually drown.


The court was in session today. Trials didn't seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel... yet.

But I was proven to be completely innocent so we were making progress.

When I came back home, I had imagined my mom and dad to be all nervous in front of the door and unsurprisingly, that was the case.


"Just hold on, Eunmi, it'll all be fine." That wasn't Hyunjin. That was Yuna.

She had come by when I told her about everything going on, and she was doing what she had to as a friend.

We were strolling through the streets of the colony.

"I mean, yeah, you are the most timid person I've seen but I know you can be brave when it's required," she gave me a hazy smile. I nodded, not denying a word she said.

It had been a long time since only Yuna and I hung out like this. We had both probably been caught up in a parallel universe by two people. Bangchan and Hyunjin. 

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