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My mood did a complete 180 at seeing a certain someone when I reached the gates of my house. He stood there, hands in his pockets, and I guessed that he was waiting for me. My heart melted at that thought.


In a second, I got off my bike and hurried towards the boy who looked a little surprised at how hyped up I was. 

He had no clue about how much I missed him. He probably never even thought that I would actually miss him in the first place.

He was further puzzled when the first thing I did was I went and more or less leaped onto the place where he stood, grasping his hands before wrapping my arms around his shoulders that were a little hard to pull into a proper embrace.

I intended to hug him and I did. I hugged him and it took some time before I could feel his hands gently patting my back while his chin slowly rested on my shoulder.

"Hi," he whispered , not shifting his body. I responded in the same way.

It took the door to be opened by my mother for me to let go; let go rather swiftly. That was awkward. 

My mom, knowing me, would have been surprised by seeing me with a boy but the fact that I was actually taking the effort to hug him was a totally different thing; something a little too complex for her to predict.

"Oh Hyunjin! It's nice to see you," my mom smiled before looking at me with this oddly cheeky look. I tried my best to give her what I called a glare.

"Hi Mrs. Park," he politely replied.

There was this weird sensation that was tickling my tail bone. I felt stiff witnessing the two talk to each other. It was only the third time they were meeting and greeting each other and it was hard for me to get used to it.

My mom must have seen my usually tiny eyes looking like those of a fish by then. She giggled leaving the two of us confused before looking at Hyunjin once again, from head to toe this time.

"I'll let you carry on," she grinned begore closing the door. We were left alone before the gate.

"So... what did I miss," Hyunjin said in attempts of starting a conversation, which allowed me to pour all my clear consciousness on him. After the way the last seven days had passed, I felt like I had to always be with Hyunjin, as if it was my last time seeing him. I didn't mean to be such a pessimist but he was just too precious. I was afraid I'd lose him. That was a thought that I had never really had. I mean it when I say that I never had a thought like that before. It was a new perception.

"Nothing much," I lied through my teeth, feeling a punch on my lower stomach when I remembered the fact that I really couldn't let anyone know about what had happened.

And like always, he saw right through me. He knew that there was something troubling me. Something rather colossal as a matter.

"Something bad did happen, I assume," he said, again giving me that mellow response melting my ears and heart.

I shook my head. 

"No. Nothing," I awkwardly responded and tried my best to find a topic other than the one we were stuck in to divert his mind. He was too quick at reading. It never was dangerous but in this situation, 'dangerous' was the term that fit in perfectly. It was indeed dangerous for him to know. I didn't want him to unnecessarily get into trouble just because of my poor ability of keeping things to myself. This whole matter was no child's play.

"How was your trip?" I asked as soon as that thought came to my mind.

"Not bad... I brought back my love..."

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