A Dashing Man

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Bold letters = present
Italicized letters = past


A Dashing Man


You were on your book signing event. You were glad that your book was published at last and your book reader fans were congratulating you.

"Hey there guys, first and foremost I would like to thank all of you that are here right now for supporting me, encouraging me and giving me the inspiration to write and it's all because of you guys that it's a book now, to my editor who always, day and night 24/7 got my back and for pushing me to complete my manuscript even though I always always not pass it on time, to my family and friends who was there in every step of the way and lastly to the one up there who guides me, giving me the wisdom and the heart to weave the words in a beautiful embroidery for the people to read." You ended your speech. The emcee announced that you'll start the 'story-telling' of your book.

You were just there. Observing. You had a drink on your hand and watch as the people chatter and complement each others clothes. You rolled your eyes at those pretenders.

You cursed your companion in your head.

Why did he brought you here in the first place? You thought.

In a party with people you don't know. And he left you beside the punch to follow someone he knew and told you to stay there and wait for him.

Where is he? You screamed at your head. You were supposed to be finishing your manuscript tonight because tonight was the deadline your editor told you. You stomped your high heels on the smooth floor, annoyed because your companion was nowhere to be found. You can't do anything but to wait for him though, he's got your phone and he dragged you into the party without any money with you. Whether you like it or not you have to wait for him.

You took a sip on your drink. You were imagining your editor on your doorstep tonight shouting and saying that he needs the manuscript now and all the other possible words that he could say when he was angry at you for not finishing the manuscript in time.

Now that you thought of it, whose party is this? You didn't know because you were literally forced to dress up and dragged all the way here to the party.

When suddenly there was a man taller than you, raven haired but the front part of his hair had a vibrant blond streak.

"Hey!" your thoughts were interrupted by his greeting.

"oh, uhhh. Hi" you said.
He smiled at you and your eyes traced his face. His brown orbs were shining gosh, he looks like a fluffy puppy, chubby cheeks, god cute nose!! His eyes widened and slightly tilted his head jesus, noticeable cheekbones.

Okaayy baby what's your secret?

"T-thanks" his face flushed. Did you just said your thoughts out loud?

"Sweetie, you did it again." He smirked and winked at you. Oh god. He has a fucking sexy Australian accent.

I blushed.

He cleared his throat and fixed his flanel.
"The name is Calum Hood and it's a pleasure to meet you...may I know what's the name of the lady infront of me? " he asked.

"Oh! I umm uh, my name is (Your Full Name)" you fumbled through your pouch to give him your business card.

He seemed surprised at first when you gave him the card but quickly regained his cool demeanor. You talked and you discovered that he was in a band called 5 Seconds Of Summer and this was their party. You shared some information about you too.

It was time for you to go when your companion appeared from nowhere and decided to ruin the atmosphere between you and the man named Calum.
You talked and talked, he compliments you all the time.

He calls you, you go out with him. He takes you to many places, you had fun. He showers you with sweet words, you blush. You found him utterly wonderful in a way words can't describe. He was a ray of sunshine. The way his eyes had that shine when he looks at you, everytime he smiles, your heart leaps for joy and make a somersault, that loud drumming of your heart when he holds your hand...

It was a perfect scene. You and him walking hand in hand along the beach. The rays of the sun blending with the sky.

"It's beautiful isn't it? This scene before us, like God was painting a huge canvass for his people to behold. It's beautiful..." you said looking at the horizon.

"Yeah... You're beautiful." he said looking at you which made you look at him.

The sun kissed the sea.

It was euphoria.

You are in love with that man.

After that event at the sea, you felt lively more than ever. You write more and more like the words were just flowing and filling you up with ideas. You were inspired more than ever.

You and Calum dated. The dates became more frequent, he sents you flowers along with a letter saying

For (y/n), my novelist...
I hope you got these flowers and filled you with energy to continue your manuscreept. Have a nice day! Well.. I'm not good at writing and I kind of not know the right things to say but... I hope you smile because of these and I hope it is as to your liking.


P. S. Spelt the manyuscript. maeneuscript. manuskript. Manauscript wrong. And my name also. Sorry.

The day of the manuscript deadline was nearing and he sent you those flowers to help you somewhat clear your mind and it was very helpful considering he even sent you a letter. Then and there you knew he was awkward in writing letters such as this. You smiled and continued writing.

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