For Him.

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This is for you. I've been supporting you since you started your band. Even though you personally don't know me, It feels like I've known you for so long. I love you. Through thick and thin, I'll be there for you. Even if the world has turn its back on you. I love you.

For some it may be silly, to me it is not. You are my safe haven. My story. My whole. I love every piece of you. Even your faults, even the darkest parts of your soul. Your voice has supported me for so long. You kissed my sadness away. Your smile lights me up.

There may come to a point where you guys would have to walk down a separate road. Raise a family of your own, A business maybe? But no matter what, I'll still support you. You. The one who comforted me when no one else was there.

Thank you. For everything. Please continue to cheer your crowd. Continue making your music. Continue to smile. Continue to inspire. Though they may find faults in you. As you stay strong so am I. When the world is pulling you down, do remember that somewhere, someone is cheering and supporting you. Someone loves you more than anything.

I may only be a fangirl but you already took a space in my heart that no one could ever replace. My heart will remember. The crowd. The noise. The thrill. The wild beating of my heart. The euphoria you gave me. The lights. Everything. An unforgettable experience.

Everything in this world is transitory. Someday I may have a family of my own. The photographs I took, the things that will remain of the memory of your glory will be kept somewhere. In the darkest part of the closet, below my bed, or in a dusty basement.

One day, those will be found again and the feelings will come crashing to me like cold water. I will show them to my children someday and they will point to the pictures, I'll tell them your name. I'll tell them how the crowd went wild and how you shine.

If they love a band, I'll make sure they will experience the feelings that I have felt back when I belong to your crowd. I know the feeling of not seeing you live, I don't want my child to experience that. The feeling of becoming one with you and the crowd is a nice feeling, I won't ever forget.

I know this doesn't make sense but this is how I feel. 

I love you. I cannot stress it enough.

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