The Schuyler sisters

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An: hi! Today we have a special guest coming in, S0fia203678 - or just Sofia. She does some Hamilton fanfics too so go check her out.

You guys are going to love this next song! Adi was ecstatic. But there was an interruption. Someone came into the theater.

"Adi! There you are! I needed to tell you something..." it was Adis friend, Sofia! She trailed off upon seeing all of the guests sitting in the theater room. She took a sharp breath.

" Adi, do not tell me you..."

Yes, yes I did Adi confirmed.

Sofia could only shake her head. " ok, well, to introduce myself, I'm Sofia. I already know pretty much all of you, since I'm also a huge fan of this musical." Sofia said she took a seat next to Adi and stole some of her popcorn.

After everyone said their hellos, Adi got ready for the next song. Ok, time for this next song, the Schuyler sisters!

" oooh! That's such s good one!" Sofia
exclaimed. Adi couldn't help herself, and did the intro with On screen Burr.

There's nothing rich folks love more
Than going downtown and slumming it with the poor

Alex aggressively ate a handful of popcorn.

They pull up in their carriages and gawk at the students in the common
Just to watch 'em talk

The front row was all jamming out with Adi. She continued to sing.

Take Philip Schuyler, the man is loaded
Uh oh, but little does he know that
His daughters, Peggy, Angelica, Eliza
Sneak into the city just to watch all the guys at

Adi continued doing the ensemble as Sofia came in doing the sisters parts.

Work, work


Work, work


And Peggy!

Work, work
The Schuyler sisters





Adi and Sofia forced themselves to stop singing. They didn't want to just sing throughout the entire song, even though they could and would enjoy it too. Adi took a sip of her drink.

Daddy said to be home by sundown

"These two were always trying to get us in trouble." Peggy remembered.

" we were only in trouble if dad found out." Angelica said pointed out.

Daddy doesn't need to know

Daddy said not to go downtown

Like I said, you're free to go

" ooooh Eliza I didn't know you were such a rebel. " Alex teased.

"S-shut up." Eliza said flustered and embarrassed.

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