You'll be back

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An: hello hello hello! I..... don't have much to say here. Also anyone else know what tech week is? It's like finals week for actors. Spoiler: IT SUCKS anyway, on with the show!

Soooo I should probably warn you guys.... Adi said.

" warn us of what?" Lauren's asked.

Well.... You know king George? The third?....."

" yes...... what about him?" Alex narrowed his eyes.

Soooo.... He hasacouplesonfsongsintheshow she said really fast.

"WHAT?!" Everyone exclaimed.

I know I know! But... their actually really funny. He has three, and they are all hilarious.

"He... he...." Herc stuttered.

"He started a war!" Alex cried.

"He overtaxed us!"

They started slandering king George. Adi tried to settle them down. Ok ok Ok OK I GET IT! They all shut up after that. I understand your point, but I can't exactly change the musical now now could I?

They all seem to except it, and The movie continues.

[Verse 1: KING GEORGE]
You say
The price of my love's not a price that you're willing to pay

" no it's not." Herc agreed.

You cry
In your tea which you hurl in the sea when you see me go by

" wait, is that reference to..."

"The Boston tea party?" Adi an Washington said at the same time.

Yes, and a clever one at that. Adi gushed.

Why so sad?
Remember we made an arrangement when you went away

" oh did we now?" Alex said saltiness heavy in his voice.

" I don't remember that." Thomas grumbled.

" that's cause we didn't! This guy is delusional." John exclaimed. George Washington just glared. His wife leaned on him, which calmed him down.

Now you're making me mad
Remember, despite our estrangement, I'm your man
You'll be back,

" HA! No we won't." Hercules laughed.

soon you'll see

" non." Laf growled. Adi snorted, because something about the way Laf childishly just says " nope!" Made her laugh.

You'll remember you belong to me

" excuse me we belong to no one." Angelica said full of sass.

You'll be back, time will tell

" that's funny, because last time I checked, I was running America just fine." Washington said.

" yeah, surrounded in children." James grumbled.

Dang, I never thought I'd see the day I hear GEORGE WASHINGTON and JAMES MADISON throw shade.

You'll remember that I served you well

" wait what does that mean?" George Lafayette asked Adi.

What? " throwing shade?" It's, like, another way of referring to a snide remark. Adi says. He nods, not completely understanding.

Oceans rise, empires fall
We have seen each other through it all

"Remind me one time when you have ever done us a favor." Aaron arches a brow.

And when push comes to shove
I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love!


[Chorus: KING GEORGE ]
Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da
Da da dat dat da ya da!
Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da
Da da dat dat da...

Adi started singing the next verse, which was probably her favorite one.

[Verse 2: KING GEORGE]
You say our love is draining and you can't go on

" what love? There was never any love to start with!" Lauren's exclaimed.

You'll be the one complaining when I am gone...

" I can guarantee that's not gonna happen." Alex deadpanned.

And no, don't change the subject
'Cause you're my favorite subject

" we're not your 'subject.'" Peggy crossed her arms.

My sweet, submissive subject
My loyal, royal subject
Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever...

Adi paused her singing for a moment. The actor, Jonathan groff, did a great job at showing King George's spiral into insanity. Adi remarked as she took a sip of her pop. Everyone just stared at her for a brief moment before she started singing again.

[Verse 3: KING GEORGE]
You'll be back like before
I will fight the fight and win the war

" I think NOT" Herc exclaimed.

For your love, for your praise

" that's not how that works." Theo eyed the screen.

And I'll love you till my dying days
When you're gone, I'll go mad
So don't throw away this thing we had
'Cause when push comes to shove

Adi decided to stop singing just before the extremely creepy line.

I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love

About half the room squirmed in their seats.

[Chorus: KING GEORGE ]
Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da
Da da dat dat da ya da!

Phillip started humming it under his breath. He got weird looks. " what? It's catchy!"

"He has a point" George said, backing his best friend up.

Adi wanted to jump back in, so she did.

Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da

Da da dat—

the front row decided to jump in on the fun, and started singing. The rest of the room pretended to feel betrayed.

Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da
Da da dat dat da ya da!
Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da da da da
Dat dat da ya da!

" my own son..." Alex said, shaking his head. They all giggled. Some people were still mumbling insults about the king.

Ok I know that probably wasn't your favorite, but you guys are going to like this next one

They all looked at each other, and the musical continued.

An: hi! I hate when I publish chapters then think of much better ideas for it later on. Anyway have a good day!

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