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An: omg this TOOK FOREVER but that also means it's SUPER long. I meant to get some washingdad, but... welp I forgot and I'm not adding it in I am DONE with this chapter. Anyway, enjoy!

Once everyone left the theater room, they followed Adi to the open kitchen and living room, which had big windows looking into the patio and backyard. The historical crew started looking around.

"What's that?" Peggy asked, pointing outside.

"Thats a swimming pool. It's like, a private lake, but it cleans itself." Adi explained. She wanted to sit on the counter, but she decided not to, because she didn't want to confuse them and have them all sitting on it.

"Woah..." Phillip breathed. "This couch... is SO COMFY!" Phillip said. Theo and Angie joined him. They all laid back and agreed.

"Right?!" Adi called over her shoulder, before turning back to the fridge. "I think I'm just gonna give you guys water after all that pop we drank. "

The ones that were paying attention looked taken aback. "I'm guessing water has become less risky to drink?" Burr commented.

Adi pulled out a pitcher of ice water and blinked at him. "OH oh yeah, it has." Adi said, once she understood what he said. I totally forgot that these people always drank...

"Hey Adi, got any booze?!" Herc said, who had found the pantry.

"No herc, there's enough of you as is and you guys still need to learn stuff about how this world works. The last thing I need is a bunch of curious AND drunk revolutionaries." Adi ranted.

"Ugh fine." Hercules started exploring the pantry.

Alex had been poking around some shelving Adi had. "Adi, are these really your only book selection?" Alex said incredulously.

"Alex!" Eliza scolded her husband. She had been looking at some of the little trinkets up on the counter.

Adi looked between them. "Pftttt HAHAHAHA ha..ha. Haaaa. Oh Alex that's a good one."she wiped a stray tear off her face. She finished pouring the last cup of water and went up to the shelf alex was looking at.

" Reading not as popular anymore, but every once and a while you'll find a big reader..."  she pulled on  one of the books. "Like me."

The wall to the left came out and slid open. Adi motioned everyone to follow her. Everyone looked at each other and wandered into the secret room. "THIS is my library. I got secret passage ways to my office bedroom, and art room. I got tables for studying, and over here" Adi moved over to her right and everyone turned to see what she was gesturing at. "Is my prized possession.  This my friends, is my book binding station."

"People still do that?!" Peggy  asked.

"No, but some people do it just for the fun of it, and I wanted to learn. So I did. And now this hobby takes up... most of my time.  But its so satisfying I don't even care."

"Thats some dedication, kid." Alex murmured. He Followed the spines of the books.  He managed to notice some of the books that she had bound herself.

"oh yes, you must truly love the process to put so much time into it." Martha commented.

"Is this one of yours?" Theodosia held up a book she picked off the shelf. Adi said yes, and she inspected it. "This is beautiful." Her fingers followed the details of the cover. 

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