Dear theodosia

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An: GUYS THANKS SO MUCH I wasn't expecting so much attention BUT I GOT SOME CRAZY HIGH RANKING LATELY sooooo thanks!!! Anyway here's the next chapter.

Also todays special guest, @maddi_08

"ADELINE ELENOR GARCIA!"  (AN: fake name... what? The internet doesn't need to know my real name!)

"Maddi? Maddi come on, not my full name..." one of Adi's good friends, Maddi barged into the theater.

"Adi! I can't believe you actually did it.." Maddi shook her head as she sat down next to Adi. "Oooh Dear Theodosia already?!"

"I know right? Best song, honestly." 

"BEST song?" Maddi looked at Adi suspiciously.

"I mean, we have heard quite a few good ones." Alexander pointed out.

"True, but THIS is the best one, you can't change my biased opinion."

Dear Theodosia what to say to you

"Which one?" Thomas whispered.

You have my eyes
You have your mother's name


When you came into the world you cried and it broke my heart

"Yup babies do that, burr-OH" Eliza elbowed her smart-*ss husband.

I'm dedicating everyday to you
Domestic life was never quite my style

"Oh boy there going my heart." Adi got a few weird looks.

"It's an expression." Maddi explained.

When you smile, you knock me out I fall apart and I thought I was so smart

Adis eyes got very misty very fast. She fanned her eyes and hugged her knees as she felt, even for just a moment, the father sized hole in her heart be filled.

You will come of age with our young nation
We'll bleed and fight for you
We'll make it right for you
If we lay a strong enough foundation
We'll pass it on to you
We'll give the world to you and you'll blow us all away
Someday x2
Yeah you'll blow us all away
Someday x2

Everyone was awestruck. The entire room got filled with emotions. The one who had kids thought back to the domestic moments, however small, they had with them.

Oh, Phillip when you smile I am undone, my son
Look at my son

Several people chuckled through their tears.

Pride is not the word I'm looking for
There is so much more inside me now

Washington thought about his "sons." He never had children of his own, but he felt it. The pride The fatherly protectiveness. He felt it with his soldiers. His men. They were the family he never could have.

Oh, Phillip you outshine the morning sun, my son

" ok side note: they rhymed, 'son' and 'sun' but not 'Lafayette' and baguette?!" Maddi said, stealing some of Adis popcorn.

"You could almost say, he threw away his shot." Adi said, sniffling.

When you smile, I fall apart and I thought I was so smart

Thomas snorted at that line.

My father wasn't around

Adi quietly belted out the next line, and Maddi helped harmonizing the rest of the bridge.

My father wasn't around

I swear that

I'll be around for you

I'll do whatever it takes

I'll make a million mistakes

I'll make the world safe and sound for you

Adi curled into Maddi's side. That's always been their dynamic, Maddi being the mom friend of their group.

You'll come of age with our young nation
We'll bleed and fight for you
We'll make it right for you
If we lay a strong enough foundation

Washington didn't know what it was, but this girl that brought them into this new world, he felt something. Oh, he knew what it was.

Adi was now about of the "adopted by washingdad" club.

We'll pass it on to you
We'll give the world to you and you'll blow us all away
Someday x2
Yeah, you'll blow us all away
Someday, someday

"That... was beautiful." Eliza said, wiping her tears.



More words were said, more tears were wiped away, and the show continued to play.

An: heyyyy I made the end rhyme! Also Maddi, did you like it? I love this series, I can't believe we are already almost done with act one... anyway, anyone else ready for school? I just want new stationary... anyway, see y'all next time.

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