That would be enough

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An: happy fourth y'all! Ready for this years game of "fireworks or gunshots" ? (Lol only americas understand) anyway here's the next chapter!

"That was intense..." Theo ate a handful of popcorn.

"Yeah..." Phillip agreed.

"I know, luckily, the next song is a lot sweeter!" Adi reassured.

Look around, look around at how lucky we are
To be alive right now
Look around, look around...

How long have you known?

"Oh! She's..." Theo trailed off.

"Pregnant..." Eliza said thoughtfully, thinking back to when she was having her first child. Oh how thing were so much simpler back then.

A month or so

Phillip had a stupid grin on his face, and Theo was dying inside ( as we wine and dineeee) but stayed quiet.

Eliza, you should have told me

I wrote to the General a month ago


I begged him to send you home

You should have told me

I'm not sorry

"Sassy Eliza." Adi said, sipping some of her pop.

I knew you'd fight
Until the war was won
The war's not done
But you deserve a chance to meet your son
Look around, look around at how lucky we are
To be alive right now

Will you relish being a poor man's wife
Unable to provide for your life?

Alex eyes dropped slightly. Eliza took his hand in hers. Alex looked up at her. She gave him a comforting smile.

I relish being your wife
Look around, look around...

Eliza buried her head into his shoulder. Alex thought back, to when they were first married. To when they had so little, how insecure he was.

Alex nuzzled Eliza back, thinking about how blessed he was. I really don't deserve her.

Look at where you are
Look at where you started
The fact that you're alive is a miracle
Just stay alive, that would be enough

"You had one job-ouch!" Thomas taunted, but James elbowed him.

And if this child
Shares a fraction of your smile
Or a fragment of your mind, look out world!

"We asked for a fragment, not a carbon copy." Peggy pointed out.

"Yeah, Phillips about as Alexander as you can get!" Angelica agreed.

That would be enough

Theo and Angie giggled. Teen George and Phillip both felt their heart flutter at the sound.

I don't pretend to know
The challenges you're facing
The worlds you keep erasing and creating in your mind

"Is that reference to the federalist papers-?" Burr started

"Or his poetry?" John continued.

"I thought it was a reference to his financial plan-?" Thomas inserted.

"Or his long speeches-?" James commented.

I'm... not actually sure... Adi said thoughtfully.

But I'm not afraid

"You should be." Washingdad chuckled.

I know who I married

"Do you?" Thomas sneered.

So long as you come home at the end of the day
That would be enough

We don't need a legacy
We don't need money
If I could grant you peace of mind
If you could let me inside your heart...

Oh, let me be a part of the narrative
In the story they will write someday
Let this moment be the first chapter:
Where you decide to stay
And I could be enough
And we could be enough
That would be enough

"That verse was sweet!" Maria gushed.

"Moms actor had a really good voice!" Angie added.

"Right?! Anyway, let's keep going, the next ones got a bit of a tonal shift...

An: so cute! Anyway, almost done with act one!

after the reaction book, I wanna make a "they all live in future with OC" book... it wouldn't be xOC cause "Adi" is a little young. It would mostly be washingdad.

Anyway gotta long ways to go before that happens, so just keep supporting and remember, if you wanna be in a chapter, just ask!

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