What did I miss

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An: I have so much stuff that I am doing omg. I'm in a dnd club, drama club, a club for Caine jawbone, I'm in a kickboxing class, ughhhhh why do I keep signing up for stuff!!!? Anyway, enjoy!

Mini George had everyone's attention. He blushed and cleared his throat. "Angie?" He motioned for her to stand. The auburn haired girl looked around as she slowly went forward to him.

"Angie, I've been thinking about this sense we got here, but... I just have to tell you..." he took a deep breath and gathered all his confidence. "I'm just going to be straight forward with you. I like you Angie. I like you a lot. A-and..." he didn't get the chance to finish. Angie got up into her tippy toes and pulled George down by his  collar and kissed his cheek.

When she pulled away, they both of their faces were bright pink. Adi quietly celebrated as her new ship was now sailing. The rest of the room gave some variation of "good for you! Finally!" The new couple were actually feeling really good until Phillip stood. If there was one person Phillip would kill for, it's Angie. And Mini George being his best friend, knew exactly what was coming. Angie could feel her anxiety rise as her brother came forward.

"George, Angie, I happy for you, really." He gave a genuine smile. George looked relieved, but Angie knew better. "But you hurt my sister, I hurt your face." Phillip pointed a finger right at his best friends chest, glaring him down threateningly. He was surprisingly scary for someone so small in comparison.

Alex and Laf both made similar comments. They said he better treat her right, to which he could only nod. "Ok, ok, can we stop scaring my courtier and just move on?" When she realized what she said, she turned bright red turned away.

"What?" Adi said confused. Washington leaned forward and explained. "Calling him her courtier means their courting, which im sure you can figure out why that embarrassed her." He said with a light chuckle.

"Oh! Ok that right, you guys had way different rules then we do." She paused before further explaining, "we call that 'dating' now." She sat back with her ice cream. Everyone had a cup of their favorite flavor in their cup holder.

The young couple in question both looked like tomato's by this point. They turned to each other. Mini George slowly took her hand, as they had a mental conversation through their eyes. They smiled at each other and hugged before sitting down. The room was in awe at how cute they were.

"Ok, now we can start."

Seventeen. Se- se- seventeen...
Se- se- seventeen...

"Seventeen what?" Peggy asked.


"Wait... that's when..." Madison trailed off.

How does the bastard orphan

"Oh not this tune again." Alex grumbled.

Immigrant decorated war vet
Unite the colonies through more debt?
Fight the other founding fathers til he has to forfeit?
Have it all, lose it all
You ready for more yet?
Treasury Secretary. Washington's the President

"Wait wait what?" herc leaned over laf to explain the basics of the new government that was built after his death.

Ev'ry American experiment sets a precedent
Not so fast. Someone came along to resist him

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