Take a break

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An: today we have a special guest, @Mina 4shido or Nav. Thank you so so much for all of the comments, I love reading them!! Anyway I hope you enjoy!!

"Great I Made it weird-wait, is this really my fault? Brain stop blaming me for everything!" Adi told herself. Before she could press play, her friend, Nav, poked her head in.

"Hey Adi! I thought I'd dropped by." She said, waving. Everyone else waved as Adi ushered her to sit down next to her. She pushed play.

Un deux trois quatre
Cinq six sept huit neuf (Un deux trois quatre)
Cinq six sept huit neuf

"Awee, their practicing French!" Angelica gushed.

Good! Un deux trois quatre
Cinq six sept huit neuf (Un deux trois quatre)
Cinq six sept huit neuf
Sept huit neuf—
Sept huit neuf—

"Why must you always change the chord?" Eliza sighed jokingly. Phillip looked away from her as if he didn't know what she was talking about.

Theo could only giggle at her boyfriends antics. That thought made her giddy.

Sept huit neuf—
Sept huit neuf—

One two three four five six seven eight nine!

My dearest, Angelica
"Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day"
I trust you'll understand the reference to
Another Scottish tragedy without my having to name the play

"OH! I get it now..." Nav said.

"Get what?" Alex asked.

"Another Scottish tragedy is referring to your Scottish origin-"

They think me Macbeth, and ambition is my folly

"By comparing you to Macbeth."

"Oh... yeah see that now."

I'm a polymath, a pain in the ass, a massive pain
Madison is Banquo, Jefferson's Macduff
And Birnam Wood is Congress on its way to Dunsinane

Theos eyes sparkled, she for one understood the reference and was ecstatic.

Adi couldn't keep it in, she whisper-sang to herself the next verse.

And there you are, an ocean away
Do you have to live an ocean away?
Thoughts of you subside
Then I get another letter
I cannot put the notion away...

Take a break

I am on my way

There's a little surprise before supper
And it cannot wait

I'll be there in just a minute, save my plate

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