3| hitting

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1st person Michael POV


Y/N stared at me when I stood up to put the guitar down. They seemed to do that a lot- not just to me. 

"What?" I said softly, leaning the guitar against the desk. They just shook their head. 

"I didn't say anything." They grinned. They stood up as well, stretching for a moment. 

"You looked like you were going to say something." I took a box of tissues out of the end table by my bed and held it out to them. They took one and dabbed their eyes with it. "If I'm smelling correct, Dinner might be finished. Want to come to find out with me?" I set the box down and they nodded, so I led them out of the room and don't eh hall to the kitchen. 

my Dad was standing with my mom when we got in there. He just looked at me for a moment, then looked at Y/N. Then he looked away. 

"You're not going to say hello? They're a guest in your home." I said as we came into the kitchen fully. 

"I assumed you were going to introduce them to me." he looked at me once more, raising his eyebrows. "But I'm the rude one, of course..." He then looked at Y/N once more. "You're Y/N, right? Clara has told me about you." He approached them and grabbed their hand, shaking them. They looked mildly uncomfortable. "Im William." 

"I've heard about you." They nodded, pulling their hand away, grinning up at him. 

He hummed in response, then looked at me. Then he turned away and went back to my mother, who frowned at something he whispered to her. I just scoffed and pulled Y/N out of the kitchen by the hook of their arm...I accidentally made them stumble, which made me stumble, so we both ended up smacking against the wall. it wasn't hard, but it definitely hurt. We didn't speak of it though, and we went to the sitting room, where my mother's friends all sat. We took the chairs by the furnace. 

"Don't you think you should lay off those pastries?" I said to one of the women, who gasped immediately.

"Michael! How rude." She said in a huff. 

"HUH?!" I scoffed. "So it's okay for you to say something like that to me, but when I say it, it's offensive?" I shook my head. "Nah." 

"I am your elder. you must respect me." She said. "I bet they don't want a friend who disrespects others." She pointed to Y/N, who looked startled by the woman. 

"Well...Michael does have a point-" 

"Unbelievable! Teenagers these days!" She scoffed. "William, teach your child manners!" She said as my father came into the room. He looked at me, narrowing his eyes. 

"That's all Clara's doing, not mine." He shrugged. Suddenly I was the target for the extremes.Y/N looked uncomfortable about this situation, so I tried changing the subject with them...this didn't work since my father insisted on making a fuss about me commenting about the woman eating...

He ended up coming over to me and tapping me on the back of my head with the back of his hand. 

"Ow- what the hell?" I scoffed, turning my look back at him. He never hits, usually. Im used to the yelling and stuff, but hitting me because there are women here who encourage it? "Not cool." I huff.  "Seriously. my friend is right here..." 

"Don't be rude." He mumbles, making a funny looking angry face that makes me grin. 

"Did you just hit him?" My mom says suddenly. My dad flinches and turns around quickly. 

"Darling." He said. "I just tapped him on the head. It didn't hurt him." 

"Then why did he say ow?" She scoffed, approaching him quickly. She grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the room. He looked terrified. Y/N did as well whenever I looked back at them...I felt embarrassed about this kind of thing. 

"Sorry about this- you can head out if you want." 

"Is it always like this?" They sat crisis crossed in their chair, leaning forward slightly. 

"That's a bit of a personal question-" I coughed. "But non not like that at least. My parents argue sometimes, but they've been like that for a few years." I shrugged. They just nodded. 

"You know, if you ever need to, you can always come to my place to hang." They suggested. "I've never got anything to do. I live alone and my television doesn't work right now, so I'm always bored." 

"I just don't like intruding-"

"It's not intruding if I invite you, Michael." They laugh. "Im your friend, you know. Im supposed to be there and stuff." 

"Well still-" 

"And I don't live too far..just about five minutes walking." 

"That's really sweet, but I don't think my father would-" 

"Then don't tell him when you go out." They leaned forward again. "What he doesn't know won't hurt him." 

They must be crazy...but I liked it. It's fun. 

"Well..." I looked behind me, leaning slightly to the side to see if my parents were anywhere in earshot. THey had gone to their bedroom. "Why don't we go now?" 

"What about dinner?" They leaned back. 

"Mom will save leftovers. She always does." I looked at them, grinning. "Let me go get a bag. I'll meet you in the front, okay? just say you have to run home if my mom questions you." I stood up. "Come on." I grabbed them by their wrist and pulled them out of the room, glaring weirdly at one of the ladies when they saw us.

"don't pull me-" They said slowly, tugging their arm out of my grip. "don't take long. I won't wait around forever." I nodded quickly, taking off down the hallway and going into my room. I didn't know what to bring to another person's house..
how long would I stay there? do I need food? will they let me smoke? do they make me take my shoes off?

I ended up throwing a change of clothes, a pack of cigarettes, a few cans of energy drink, and a lighter into a small bag...then I threw it out of my window and left my room. My mother was still in her room with my father, so it was safe to b-line it to the door, where Y/N was waiting.

"I've gotten get my bag." I said, huffing as I slowly closed the door.

"I thought you-"

"I threw it out a window so I wouldn't look suspicious." I cut in, moving past them to get thr bag out of the bush it fell into.

They grinned when I re-emerged back onto the porch.

"sorry...am I being too much?" I said weirdly, holding my bag awkwardly.

"no, never." They laughed softy, motioning for me to follow them.

for once, I felt safe following someone across the street.


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