26- freaks

385 10 37

filler chapter- By Matteo.

1st person Y/N POV


I woke up to Michael turning weirdly, causing me to fall off of him and to the side, near the edge of the hospital bed, which could barely hold both of us. He was asleep.

"ah..." I winced, sitting up slightly, propping myself up on my arms. My head felt heavy, but I could move it at least. "Mike-" 

"mmph.." He hummed, tossing slightly again as if I were only speaking to him in his dreams. "amore..." He said, his arm coming around me and pulling me down quickly. 

"Ow..." I gasped as I hit his chest. "Let me go I gotta pee-" 

"Jeez." He huffed, letting his arm fall limp as I would be able to leave the bed. My legs were wobbly, and I held onto the rail of the bed. "Santo Cielo..." I heard him groan as he sat up. His arms hooked under mine and lifted me into a standing position. 

"I don't actually have to," I said quickly. "I just said that so you would let me go." 

"Yes, but now I have to..." He said softly, kissing my temple before letting me go. I leaned against my shoulder on the wall, watching as he walked away from me. he was mumbling things- but I couldn't understand what. 

"Damn." I huffed, feeling up the wall as I went to the window. It was still dark outside, but I didn't know the time...the clock seemed to be stuck at 6 pm...the second hand wasn't moving. "is the clock broken?" I said, loud enough to try and speak to Michael, who was in the loo.

no answer, not until I heard a very loud-

"madre di puttana!" He shouted after I heard a hard thud coming from the bathroom. I assumed he fell, but he was sturdy, so I knew he was fine.

"are you still alive?" I laughed, finding my way to a chair, which was quite comfortable and squishy. He came out of the loo with his hands slightly more wet than they should have been, and his shirt looking even more wet. "did you pee yourself?"

"what?" He looked at me. "no- no no." He waved his hands at me. "I turned the pressione on too high on the sink and it splashed back at me...come ti senti?" He came closer, placing the back of his hand onto my forehead. "you have a fever."

"why do I have a fever?"

"I don't know." He shrugged. "Sometimes bodies react like that. you were in a cold, damp building for a while. maybe a cold?"

"maybe..." I sighed deeply, leaning into his touch. his arms came around me...my neck still ached.

"Il mio amore..." His voice cooed. his hand stroked my hair while the other rubbed circles onto my back. it felt soothing in a way, but any pressure put on any part of my body stung..."Mi dispiace tanto di aver lasciato che ciò accadesse"

I Hummed in response. it wasn't his fault. not at all- I didn't follow his direction. I let myself get abducted, and it's incredibly embarrassing.

"you're okay." I said, wrapping my arms around him. My head leaned onto his chest. I could hear his staggered breathing. he was having a hard time catching his breath, which let me know that he was stressed...

"you're very warm." He said softly. his kneeled down slightly and scooped his arms around me, slinging me to the side so he could pick me up. I didn't like when he did that unannounced, but I knew he wasn't going to get far...the room was barely bigger than my own bedroom.

"im cold." I huffed. "put me down, Mike, there is no reason for you to be carrying me."

"sei ferito" He remarked in an obvious tone.

"im fine. I can walk fine." I sat up as he sat be back down on the bed, which was uncomfortable and hard.

"it's still dark, my love, go back to sleep." it was as if he were avoiding everything I was saying. "Come on." He said softly.

"im not tired."

"per favore?"

"let me be my own adult, Mike. I get it, you're concerned, but I'm awake now."

"are you hungry?"

it was like he was just trying to be useful. as if he thought that I didn't need him. he was wanting me to need him, want him, at this very moment. I assume he has just felt sort of bummed lately.

nothing compared to what I've felt. I've been through more hell in the last few days than he's been through in a while...right?

have I?

He hasn't been through worse. has he?

"im a bit hungry."

"what are you hungry for? Ti porterò qualsiasi cosa." His hands came to my face again, and he kissed my forehead.

"maybe something sweet? I haven't eating in a while..."

"you need protein then." He sighed. "you cant live off of sweet. I know he didn't feed you- I know how he is. I'll get you something. Bene, yeah?"

"yeah okay..." I sighed. "be quick then. I don't like sleeping alone in hospitals."

After I layed down, i saw him nod. he leaned down to me and kissed me on my lips, leaving a trail down my jaw and to my cheek. he then left the room...

of course, he was returned by one of the nurses just a few minutes later. apparently there was a phone which we had to call in order to have food delivered to the room. we weren't allowed to leave at night. since I was a 'sick' paitent, I wasn't allowed out in the halls since it put others at risk.

I didnt have a fever when I came in here, so that didn't make any sense.

"I didn't get you any food-"

"yeah I noticed." I said as he sat in the chair beside the bed. I was sitting up, my legs criss crossed.


"im just joking, Mikey, it's okay." I sighed.

"we have to call the phone-"

"I heard, Mikey."

"do you think I could-"

"No, Mikey. I can call the phone on my own. you need a break from technology."


I looked at him, and he stopped speaking. he sunk back into the chair, fidgeting with his fingers.

"I could-"

"I don't need help." I sighed.

"but straining yourself-"

"Mikey! I'm fine. seriously. I will only hurt more if I don't use my body."

"im sorry." He said in a mumble, sinking back into the chair as I got onto the phone. food was pretty easy to order, I just clicked the "f.o.o.d. button and a nice lady answered. I told her what I wanted- I asked Mikey what he wanted, and we got it brought to us.

Michael ended up just sort of poking at the food however. He said he had lost his appetite, and I wasn't going to question it. stuff happens sometimes I guess.

He did take my stuff away when I was finished however. we set it on a table by the door, where another lady came in to take it. When we were alone again, I offered the spot beside me on the bed for Mike to lay.

"im not tired. you sleep, I'm fine." He said.

"you need sleep just as much as I do."

"I would feel better if I stayed awake."

"You look exhausted..."

"oh mio dio lasciami stare sveglio!" He exclaimed, crossing his arm as he turned to look at the wall. "please- sorry I don't mean to yell."

"I know." I said softly. "just know that the spot is open for you if you change your mind."

"dormi, amore mio." He reached forward, his hand resting on my head as I layed down. I felt relaxed as his fingers stroked through my hair.

it put me to sleep real fast.


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