9| admitting

654 20 32

1st person Y/N POV


Michael didn't tell me why our night had to end so ubruptly, and he didn't even wait for me to get inside before driving off. He was anxious the entire ride back to my building, and it made my stomach feel sick.

I expected a call that night, but it never came.

In the morning, however, my phone rang. the caller ID was unknown however. When I picked it up, I heard Mrs. Afton.

"Hey." I started.

"Y/N." She responded, her tone low. I hadn't heard her like that before. "hey. how are you doing?"

"im okay...what's up?" I pulled a chair to the wall and sat down. My back suddenly started hurting.

"Is Michael able to stay over there for a little while?" She paused. "im sorry if it's any trouble, I can get him a hotel, but he can't stay with me right now."

"I already thought he was going to be staying a few nights- I thought him and Liz would be back by now-"

"Ah I see." Her tone hitched, and her voice cracked. "well, alright."

"Do I need to come and get him?"

"no no, he'll make his way there." She paused again, like she was talking to someone away from the phone. "Thank you. If you need money for anything, please, call me, I just-" She paused again. "Michael is leaving now. I'll talk to you later, okay?" Her voice hitched once more. "stay safe, Honey."

The line ended.

I hung the phone back up, then pulled the chair back to the table. suddenly the air was thick, and I felt sick once more. Hearing her like that upset me. She was a hard to read woman already.

It wasn't long before I heard the buzzer by my door ring. Michael had already memorized which flat I was in. I immediately buzzed him in, and I heard a knock on my door just minutes after.

He came inside slowly when I opened it for him.

"you doing okay?" He said as he walked passed me. I'm not sure why he was checking on me. He looked like he had the crap beat out of him.

his jaw was completely bruised, and his lip was busted and stabbed. he must of gotten hit pretty hard.

"are you?" I questioned, pulling hin into the kitchen. "have you cleaned that cut?"

"this one?" I felt to the split in his lip. "yeah, mom did, don't worry." He sat down on one of thr table chairs, leaning back. "sorry that I'm all up in your business all of a sudden- barging into your home and stuff." He paused. "I told my mom that I would be okay with just a hotel or something until she gets things figured out- but she insisted that she call you."

"I don't mind." I shook my head, bringing him a cup of water, which he guzzled. "is Liz not staying as well?"

he flinched at that comment.

"no- there was-" He hesitated. "An accident at my father's work place. he wasn't supervising her, and she got swept up into some stuff." He set the cup down, leaning back in the chair once more. it creaked loudly in the sudden silence.

"oh..." I felt my chest ache. Suddenly it became hard to stand, so I sat down on one of the chairs as well. "oh, Michael...I'm so sorry."

"My father and I got into a fight last night. physical. lots of yelling. My mother was furious with my father."

"is he the one that did all that?" I motioned to his jaw. he nodded.

"yeaaa..ahaha." He laughed softly, scratching his neck. "he isn't very good at controlling himself. I said something he didn't like, and he came down on me pretty hard. knocked me right on."

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