15| winsom

583 14 94

1st person Michael POV


I left the room, feeling giddy as I went into their room. I took one of the shirts they slept in from their wardrobe and left the room, making a trip to the kitchen. I couldn't standstill. I wanted to dance for some reason. I wanted to laugh for no reason. my body trembled as I stood by the counter, pouring a cup of water for Y/N from the filtered jug.

I could hardly hold it still ad I came back to the bedroom. Y/N was wrapped up in the covers, waiting for me to give them their clothes. I did, duh.

I scooped them up in the covers, hugging them tightly.

"ow! Michael-" They complained, pulling themselves away so they could dress. I sat quietly, watching them...was that creepy?

"you look lovely," I said quickly, biting back a grin when they looked at me.

"Thanks..." They said slowly, turning so they could see themselves in the wall mirror. my grin suddenly faded at their disinterest in my compliments.

"do you want to join me in bed for a bit?" I bit back another grin.

"ah no thanks- it's only mid-day, so I don't want to get myself all tired...I won't sleep at night if I do." They said, waving me off. My smile faded again. I didn't understand why they felt that way...was my company becoming overwhelming all of a sudden?

"ah- yeah, okay, that's fine," I said quickly, my voice cracking. I cleared my throat. "if you change your mind, you know where to find me."

they hummed in response then left the room, stretching as they went down the hall and into the sitting room. they left my door wide open.

"hm..." I Hummed, laying down on my side, my arms crossed. I suddenly felt lonely again. I dont know why I longed for them so badly, but my body just ached...I felt queasy.

They didn't come back into my room. not until around 9, when they poked their head in to tell me goodnight.

"you won't join me tonight?" I asked, motioning to the empty spot on the bed. they stared at me for a moment.

"mmm...no. maybe another night?" They said uncertainly. "goodnight, Michael."

and they left again.

I didn't understand what they were portraying...we share that kind of moment, then it goes back to the uncomfortable silence? Do they want to stay away from me? I don't understand how this works. I thought people who shared intimate moments were meant to spend a lot of their time together as we've done sometimes.

I curl up, feeling cold despite being under the blankets. my chest felt heavy.

I wasn't upset...

okay, maybe a little-

but they're allowed to have their personal space. I've been right upon them since the day they met me, I don't blame them for growing intolerant for a little while after...well, something like that.

maybe I did it wrong. maybe it wasn't good for them- maybe they were saying something that I just wasn't hearing. maybe I hurt them- what if I hurt them- that's bad. I can't hurt them.

I huffed, turning over so I faced the other way. I felt uncomfortable in the bed. I turned again, this time laying flat on my back. then again onto my side. I ended up getting out of bed and pacing the room for a minute...my whole body felt itchy...

then I left the room. I went to Y/N's, opening the door slowly and peeking inside. they weren't asleep.

"yes, Michael?" Their tone dragged.

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