6| car rides

862 20 53

1st person Michael POV

I'll fix typos later.


I took them by their hand and led them out of the wooded area, having them stick close as we crossed the road and got onto the main walk-way. I grinned at them.

"how about we stop by my house? my father has got a wicked Cutlass with my name on it." I bit my lip as I smiled. they gave my a funny look, but nodded.

"you can drive?"

"not legally, but yeah." I shrugged "close enough."

"you're going to get us killed..." They laughed sarcastically, gasping when I pulled them forward, making them stumble. I pulled them all down thr walkway and to my house...we had to be careful, obviously...if my dad knew I was taking his Cutlass, he would have my head on a pike faster than I could imagine.

"maybe. but thats the fun of it." I opened the door to the passenger side, holding it open for Y/N, who got in quickly. I took the key off of the hook hanging by the door, then got in the other side. I saw my father come out of the door as soon as I started the engine.

"Michael-" He started to say.

"shit!" I cursed, quickly pushing the gas, making the car jolt forward. Y/N gasped, but I got away before my father could catch me...

"you're crazy!" They said quickly, moving to get comfortable on the seat. I just grinned, getting into the glove box to find my cassette tape, which my mother helped me get with all the songs I liked.

"mind for some Rupert Holmes or Redbone?" I suggested, sorting through all of the cassettes I had. They all had long tracks of everything. queen, Redbone, Rupert Holmes, The Runaways, Five Stairsteps....there were a lot more, but k couldn't read them all while driving down the road.

I ended up putting in a tape that had The Runaways album. it started with Cherry Bomb, which was a song my Mother was obsessed with. I knew it by heart.

I felt awkward...Y/N didn't say much unless they would comment on the scenery. I was taking them out of town to eat. Just to mess with my dad.

I would look over at them every so often. sometimes when they be humming to a song playing. sometimes they would be swaying their body, staring out the window, or actually singing the song. We even dueted on some songs, even if we weren't very good, it was fun, so it didn't matter.

When they would look at me, I would give them a side eye, grinning slightly. It felt so comfortable and weird. I felt frantic for some reason, and I felt my stomach twist when they would look at me. I found it funny.

When we got to the restaurant, I got out first and opened their door for them, which my mother told me to always do. I also held the door for them, which made them give me an odd look that confused me.

"what?" I questioned, poking their arm a few times as we came in. we sat ourselves. and a waitress came over and took a drink order.

"you don't have to hold every door open for me." They grinned at me. it was contagious.

"I don't have to, but I will anyways."


"why not?"

"that doesn't answer the question..." They sighed softly. "but, oh well."

I leaned my elbows on the table and rested my chin on my palms. I already knew what I wanted to eat, so I was just waiting on Y/N to decide. They ended up getting something small.

I felt awkward when we did get our food. I didn't know if we were just supposed to eat in silence, or if we take turns talking. I've never been out with someone like this, as crummy and cliche as that sounds.

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