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Lily and Mr.Raith left the school together in a comfortable silence. Lily still held onto her drawing, it has become her new favorite thing. The air was cool and calming, though a shiver did run down her spine when the wind blew. Mr.Raith noticed this and shrugged off his coat wrapping it around the small girl. A blush appeared on her face at the thoughts that raced through her mind. She really liked her teacher, maybe more than one should. Her brain was arguing whether she should care or not.

Mr.Raith's car was parked in the same place, as usual. He walked forward to open the door for her like a true gentleman and gently shut it behind her. Once he entered the drivers side he quickly turned on the heat to warm up his girl. He had to shake away that thought, she was his student. He couldn't help but want this small sweet girl to be his little. He wondered if she even knew she was a little, so innocent, and small. One day he wanted to talk to her about it, he wanted to care for her, protect her from the world.

The ride to her house was pretty quiet, it wasn't an uncomfortable silence, but a peaceful one. As they arrived at her house she told him a quick thank you before pulling away and running towards her door before she made this nice evening awkward. She honestly didn't want to leave yet, his presence was so comforting to her. She just had to tell herself that she would see him tomorrow, and take one look at him before pulling shut her front door.

Once the door shut she let out a light sigh. She wandered around the house only to find a note on the counter from her mother saying that she wouldn't be home until late and to not wait up for dinner. Her mother on occasion went to game nights with her friends, so this note wasn't a rare occurrence. Lily grabbed her things dragging them up to her room before jumping on her bed and watching Invader Zim, one of her new found favorite cartoons. She found herself slipping and popped in her favorite paci and cuddled up with Lenny the llama. 

When she had gotten through two episodes she heard the door bell ring. She wasn't expecting anyone, so she crept to the door out of curiosity. She opened the door to find Mr.Raith with a small smile playing on his lips. 

"hewwoo Mr.Wraith" she said with a slight lisp.

His grin became wider at this, and a confused look grew on the girl's face. Quickly she had realized that she had not taken the paci out of her mouth before running down stairs to open the door. Her face heated up under his gaze as she slipped the paci out of her mouth and attempted to hide it behind her back.

"What are you doing here sir?" She said looking at the ground in an attempt to hide her face. 

"I came back to grab my coat Pike, but I see you have grown quite attached to it." He said with a broad smile.

Lily started to shrug off the jacket but Mr.Raith stopped her before she could get it completely off.

"It's okay Pike, if you like it so much I don't mind, I have more coats at home." He couldn't help but stare at how adorable she looked snuggled up in the oversized jacket. It was a struggle for him to keep his thoughts to himself.

"Tank you sir. Would you like to come in for a cup of coffee?" She asked with hopefulness in her voice. She wanted him around for longer.

"That would be lovely dear. Thank you."

She stepped inside allowing him to enter, and led him to the kitchen. She stuffed the paci that was still in her hand into the pocket of the nice warm jacket, and reached into the cabinet to grab a coffee cup. She turned on the coffee maker to brew a new pot then turned back to her awaiting teacher.

"Pike there is actually something I wanted to talk to you about." He said rubbing his hand against the back of his neck, trying to gain courage.

"Do you know what a little is?"

Here is a little cliff hanger for you. I hope you enjoyed the new chapter!

If you could have a familiar side kick, what animal would you choose.

I would probably pick a fox and name it Kit!

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