I'm a little?

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"Little?" Lily asked with confusion on her face. "Little, like small?"

"No pike, a little is someone who enjoys childish things even though they are grown up. When I saw your paci, I was convinced you must be a little, and I was wondering if you wanted help exploring that side of yourself?" He asked with a sheepish smile.

"You would help me watch cartoons?" She asked with hope on her face. She always wanted someone to watch her shows with.

"I want to help you by keeping you safe and caring for you, though we can watch cartoons too." "Do you think you would enjoy that Lily?"

Lily slowly nodded her head. The only thing on her mind now was watching cartoons. She walked up to him taking his hand and pulling him towards her room. When he entered the room his smile grew wider at the sight of pink, stuffed animals, and Disney plastered around her room. 

"Is this your room Pike?" he asked, walking up to a shelf and picking up a photo of her with her mom. She made a quiet confirmation noise as she grew impatient. He had promised her cartoons and she had full intent to make him carry out his promise.

"Cartoons?" she asked while looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. 

"Sure, what cartoons would you like?" He lightly chuckled and picked up the TV remote.

"INVADER ZIM!!!! Pease!" She yelled as she jumped up and down excitedly.

As he put on the show she ran over to her bed to grab Lenny. Mr.Raith sat down at the edge of her bed excited to talk to the small girl more about being a little and about him being her caregiver. There was nothing more he wanted then to hear her call him Daddy. He silently watched the show with a huge smile on his face because he finally found his little girl.

Its a short one but I thought a good stopping place for this chapter I hope you enjoyed it and Happy Easter!!!

What is your favorite pet name you get called by your S/O or what would you like to be called? For me I like being called Baby, Babygirl, or little one.

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