Play Date

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Lily woke up early the next morning. For once she was excited to go to school. All she wanted to do was spend time with Mr.Raith, sadly she had to get through the rest of her school day first. Quickly getting dressed and grabbing her stuff she ran out the door. It was still early so she decided it was a good day to walk. She popped in her headphones and sang along to various Disney songs like "Bear necessities", "Be a man", and "Into the Unknown".

She got to school 30 minutes early which was a world record to her. Lily made her way to her new favorite teachers classroom in hopes of saying a quick hello before she had to face her foreign language teacher. After yesterday's escapade she was nervous about going to that class. No doubt that a grudge would be held against her.

Walking turned to running as she made her way through the halls. Lily could not hold in her excitement, last night was perfect. Something that she didn't know she needed in her life. All she knew now was that she didn't want to let it go. She wanted to feel like that forever, spend her nights with him, play with toys, she could finally be herself not the weird girl everyone else thought she was. 

She ran into the classroom full of energy. There she saw him sitting at his over-sized desk grading papers. He looked over to her just in time to catch her as she jumped into his lap.

"Why hello Pike"


"What are you doing here so early? Class doesn't start for another half hour."

"I wanted to see you, I have missed you"

"Aww, such a sweet baby. I have missed you as well, you have been on my mind constantly."

"Really?" she squealed while bouncing in his lap.

"Yes babygirl, I really enjoyed our call last night. It left me feeling warm and fuzzy. The best sleep I have had in ages."

She hugged him tight enjoying the warmth of his body against hers.

"What do you say about us playing before class starts? We could color or draw. I have a few toys we could play with as well."

He pulled out one of the draws to his desk containing the toys and coloring books within. Lily stared at them with a mix of awe and excitement. No one ever wanted to play with her, and growing up an only child left her to her own devices.

Lily quickly grabbed the coloring book with mythical creatures on the cover.

"This one!"

He chuckled softly at the sight of this adorable little girl in his lap. 

"Lets make this a game so we can both play, so here is what we will do, go ahead and pick out a page to color, then I want you to pick a part of the drawing to color but don't tell me, I will choose a random color for that spot to be. By the end of the drawing it should be in sort of a Lisa-Frank style. Does that sound fun Pike?"

"mm" Lily said while flipping through the pages. On the very last page of the coloring book was the most perfect drawing to color. It was a llama with wings and a unicorn horn. It was the most perfect image to color.

By the time they were done drawing the wings were green, the body was purple, each leg was red with yellow stripes, and the horn was blue. He and Lily giggled with each other over the chaos coloring they had done together.

Not soon after the bell had rung signaling the students to come to class. With a kiss to the forehead Mr.Raith sent Lily on her was to the evil dreaded class, foreign language.

After 1 billion years guess who is back!!!!

Thank you everyone who has been here supporting me while I was gone, I am extremely extremely grateful.

Now the question of the chapter:

If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? (you don't have to live here if you don't want to but think a vacation.)

I would travel to Norway, it is where my perfect Daddy is from and a bonus is I would get to see the northern lights, which has always been on my bucket list.

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