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Lily went to her 2 next classes without a hitch. It was now her lunch period where she decided to sit outside, she went to her usual spot underneath the oak tree. She pulled out her lunchbox the continence being a turkey sandwich, a packet of fruit snacks, and a juice box, her favorites. She ate her food slowly just trying to prolong her time until she had to go to Mr.Raith's class. She liked Mr.Raith, he was always kind and gentle towards her, but she always felt an uneasiness ever since he saw her paci. 

The bell rang all too quickly for her to head to her final class of the day, World History. She walked slowly down the hall. Finding her place in the back of the classroom she started to pull out her things. Lily couldn't help but doodle in the margins of her notebook while she waited. Once the bell had rung Mr.Raith had walked in, taking a quick glance her way before walking up towards the board. Lily didn't have the heart to pay much attention to the class, there was too much going on in her mind to focus. Instead she continued to sketch. By the end of class she had perfected drawing turtles and of course llamas. 

Mr.Raith had given them their homework assignment of reading the next chapter in the textbook, then dismissed everyone. Only him and Lily remained. She slowly started packing up her things. She didn't quite know how detention worked, she was always so quiet that she never got into trouble. Now she had to spend an hour alone with her new teacher.

Mr.Raith told Lily that since she didn't do her homework the previous night that now was a good time to start. Lily opened up her textbook not excited to stare at the boring pages before her. To her luck and the niceness of her teacher it was a short chapter. After about 10 minutes she had finished the chapter that was assigned. 

Lily raised her hand when she was done and informed Mr.Raith that she was done. He walked over to her to give her a small quiz over what she had just read. After about 10 questions he was satisfied that she had properly read the material. Mr.Raith returned to his desk and opened his filing cabinet fishing out the file she knew contained the coloring pages. He walked back towards the small girl with a small smile on his lips.  

He passed her the folder and allowed her to pick out a page for the good work she did on her assignment. Lily picked out one covered in butterflies and handed him back the folder with a quiet "thank you". 

"You are more than welcome pike". He said looking down at the small girl.

"Why do you call me that"? She asked him.

"It's just a gentle way to call you girl" "Kind of like a term of endearment". He responded while walking back to his desk.

The rest of detention went quietly. Lily colored and Mr.Raith watched while grading papers. Once the hour was over Lily ran up to him to show him her masterpiece. 

"It looks amazing pike, a work of art like this belongs in a museum." 

Lily blushed at this and felt even more proud of her picture. She went over to her backpack and put her things inside. Then she turned towards the door to leave. Mr.Raith called to her, stopping her in her tracks.

"I am headed out too, I was wondering if you wanted a ride?"

"Sure that would be nice, tank you sir." Mr.Raith smirked at hearing her call him sir a few unsavory thoughts running through his head at the title. And off they went leaving the school.

I hope you guys enjoyed the new chapter! And yeah I think I might add a little bit of nsfw to the story later, I will be putting up warnings at the beginning of the chapters that I do.

What is your favorite game to play, this can include video games, board games, or sports.

I like Skyrim, Monopoly, and though I am not a sports person I occasionally play baseball with my sister.

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