Her luck

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Lily looked up at the body she had run into. The tall man was no other than Mr.Raith.

"Pike, what's wrong." He looked down at her with concern on his face. 

"Ms.Reed, she was punishing us for our homework, and I just couldn't." Lily was unable to get her thoughts together, her brain still scrambled from the adrenaline. 

Mr.Raith wiped the tears from Lily's face, took her hand and started walking her back to his classroom. He had her sit down in his desk chair and gave her a chance to calm down. He let her small hands play with his fingers until she calmed down.

"You wanna tell me what happened with Ms.Reed?" Mr.Raith asked gently.

Lily explained the whole situation while still playing with the large hands in front of her. Lily looked up into her teacher's eyes, she was met with golden irises. He seemed concerned for the small girl in front of him. Mr.Raith asked the small girl if she would be okay waiting in the classroom while he went to talk to Ms.Reed. Lily slowly nodded and reluctantly let go of the man's fingers and watched as he left the room.

Lily looked around the classroom lasting only a minute before she got bored and decided to look at things around the classroom. She liked to spend most of her time in class doodling or daydreaming that she never took the time to just look around the class. Lily stared at the line of books on the shelf seeing everything from religion to wars. 

Lily's curiosity got the better of her and she decided she would look around her teacher's desk. She checked the hall to make sure Mr.Raith was not on his way back, then she prepared herself to snoop. 

Lily opened the file drawer slowly in hopes of staying quiet. Inside she found many files none really peaking her interest until she came to a bright pink folder. The folder contained many coloring pages, the pages were covered in unicorns and different animals. There was one section of Disney princesses that really peaked her interest. Lily grabbed one of the unicorn pages confident that he wouldn't notice one page missing. Lily carried on to check Mr.Raith's desk. pulling open the drawers. Inside she found lesson plans and homework, all boring class materials. 

With 2 drawers left she opened the top one, it contained toys. Things such as Legos and slime. She wondered why the grown man would have such things, though she felt a little bit better that she herself liked those things as well. 

"And what do you think you are doing, little sneak?"

Lily jumped, all the toys she was holding clattered to the ground. She spun around to meet the stern look of Mr.Raith.

"N..nothing, umm I was just looking because I got so bored waiting." she tried to explain in one breath. " I am so sorry sir" she said while looking at her shoes.

"It's okay pike, we just have to have a small talk first before I let you play with some of the toys." he said gently. "Do you think you can do that for me?" 

Lily nodded slowly happy that she hadn't angered him by snooping around. 

"So I talked to Ms.Reed and I understand that you did not do your homework and ran out during your alternate assignment. I need you to understand there is going to be a consequence for this action." He said to her as gently as possible.

Lily felt tears start to well up in her eyes at the thought of being in more trouble. Mr.Raith gently lifted her chin until she was looking at him. He cooed at her trying to calm the anxiety he could tell she was facing. When she seemed to calm a little bit he continued.

"For the next 2 days you will be having detention with me in my classroom for an hour after school for not doing your assignments and for leaving the classroom without being dismissed."

Lily nodded to show that she understood why she was getting punished, and a small smile grew on Mr.Raith's face. He couldn't help but be a bit excited to spend time with her. He had taken a liking to how small and little she was.

He informed her that she was allowed to remain in his classroom until the end of the period to give her some time to calm down, but she will have to attend her other classes.

A new chapter and not a month later than the others, I hope you guys are proud of me!

What is your go to activity if you are bored?

Mine is reading, I like fantasy novels, or dystopians.

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