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The 3 sulked down the hallway to their 1st period class. A line of students were waiting outside of the room. In the doorway stood Ms.Reed, waiting to collect the homework from the previous night. 

When it came to the 3's turn, Ms.Reed with one look at them knew she just gained 3 more victims. With a sickening smile Ms.Reed greeted the children and asked for their homework assignment. When no homework was produced, the children were told to go stand at the front of the classroom.

Lily wasn't sure what her teacher had planned but she was sure that she would never forget to do her homework again. When the 3 students walked up to the front of the class there was one other student with them. The girl's name was Amelia, she was a popular girl, the kind who didn't give two fucks. Normally Amelia was smart enough to not get on the bad side of Ms.Reed, but found herself on the wrong side today.

"Good morning class, up here with me today are 4 of your fellow peers. These students did not complete the assigned homework from yesterday. Seeing as they obviously already know the material that they find the homework unnecessary, I will allow them each of them to take turns teaching today's lesson."

You could see the color instantly drained from 3 of the students faces, though Amelia's face remained stoic and calm. The 4 weren't terrible at the class but they also weren't top students. They had no idea how to teach an entire lesson in another language. This task was especially cruel for Lily, public speaking was one of her least favorite things.

Ms.Reed started with the twins, allowing them to teach the beginning together. The two stared at the projector screen. Like deer caught in headlights. The twins were able to pull off the first couple slides because it was material that the class went over the Friday before, an easy review to start them off. 

The smile on Ms.Reed's face fell slightly at the sight of the twins accomplishing the task. 

Next up she put Amelia on the chopping block. If Amelia was nervous you wouldn't know it. When she stood in front of the board, she read of the next 3 slides perfectly, she even stopped to explain some of the images on the slides, speaking fluently like she knew the language by heart. 

Amelia's stoic face spread into a slight smile just as Ms.Reed's fell.

Then with a little bit too much excitement she called up Lily knowing that there was no way she would succeed in this punishment.

Lily walked to the board visibly shaking, the bright lights were making Lily dizzy. She looked at the board hoping for the answers to appear before her. It was wishful thinking. In Ms.Reed's inpatients she told Lily to get on with it already. Lily could feel the eyes of all the other students on her. Before she could realize what she was doing, she had run out of the classroom, just trying to get as far away as possible from the cruel teacher.

In her panicked state she didn't see the large figure in her path until she had run square into his chest, almost knocking him back as well.

I am so sorry it took so long for me to get this chapter out but I hope you enjoyed it!

I do plan to update a bit more regularly now that I have finished my difficult classes for the semester.

What is your favorite animal?

Mine is llamas just like Lily in the story!

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