Little Girl

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Kade Raith's POV

I watched as my new found little girl fell asleep. I made sure her stuffie and paci were securely with her before tucking her in with a kiss to her forehead. Next time I hope to lay with her, pull her close to me and make her feel safe. I walked towards her desk and grabbed a sticky note writing my name and phone number on it. Sticking it in her bedside table, I quietly shut the door behind me as I made my way out.

I climbed into my car with a large smile on my face as I made my way home. I hoped that she would come to think of me as a partner, not just as her history teacher. I want to be there for her. Take care of her, and make her happy despite our 30 year age difference.

Pulling up in the driveway of my 3 bedroom house, I checked my phone hoping to see a text from my little girl. She must still be asleep because my inbox was still empty. I walked inside and headed to my office to start grading work. After about an hour my phone buzzed. It was her. 

Good morning baby girl! Did you sleep well?


You fell asleep quite quickly, you must have been a tired little sock.

You didn't tell me goodbye

Aww I'm sorry you were just sleeping so peacefully, I didn't want to wake you.

Is okie I was just sad when I woke and you were gone.

I needed to get some work done, and I don't think your mother would be happy finding a grown man in her daughters room.

Tats fair...

Now I have to get back to the work stuffs and you missy; need to get started on your homework. You don't want a repeat of what happened today, do you?

No, I will get it done I guess.

Poke me before you go to bed and I will tuck you in Pike.

Okie Mr.Raith

When we aren't at school how about you call me Kade, hmm?

Okie Kade I will text you when I head to bed.

Okay babygirl get started on that homework now.

With that I sat my phone down and finished up my work for the evening. Around 9 o'clock I started making dinner. I made chicken bolognese, one of my favorite dishes. I like to think of myself as a food snob, I prefer healthy foods, and using lean meats. Moving from Europe to the US is quite a change. The amount of unhealthy food was baffling to me. Though I do enjoy the occasional bacon wrapped hotdog. After dinner around 10:30 my phone began to ring. I didn't even have to look at the screen to know who was calling, the sweet little voice on the other line said it all. It was my little girl.

Hey guys I hope you liked the new chapter!!!!!!

Do you have a favorite stuffie? If so what name did you give it?

Mine is Lenny the Llama he is in fact real and the best stuffie EVER!!!!!

I do have more chapters coming in the future so stay tuned!!!

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