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Lily paced about her room holding her stuffed llama. She was trying to come up with some explanation, some excuse to tell her teacher as to why she owned a pacifier. Her mind kept coming up blank.

Getting frustrated with the task she decided to plop down on her bed and watch her favorite movie Beauty and the Beast. She felt like it related to her, for Belle her whole town saw her as strange and never understood why she had a love for stories. Lily softly chewed on her pacifier and slowly felt herself becoming calm. About halfway through the movie Lily's eyes began to grow heavy, and before she knew it she had drifted off to sleep.

The next day Lily woke to her loud and quite annoying alarm, turning it off she reluctantly began her morning routine. After Lily had showered and gotten dressed it was just after 7:00, giving her 30 minutes until her bus arrived. Lily grabbed her bag, tucked her paci safely inside, and ran down stairs. As she rounded the corner her stomach growled at the delicious scent of pancakes. These weren't just any pancakes, they were chocolate chip pancakes, her favorite! 

Her mother stood at the stove making the perfect pancakes. Lily sat down at the table and watched her mother cook. Lily couldn't help but take in her mother's appearance, she was a blonde haired, freckled faced beauty. Lily often wondered how she could be her daughter. Lily's Tan skin, brown wavy hair, and lack of freckles was a complete contrast to her mother. Lily just always assumed that she was adopted or something. 

Lily never really knew her father, he was the type to work a lot, come home late, and never spent much time with the family. She had her father's looks, her father was half Asian giving her his darker features.

One day when she was 13 her father had gone missing, he had left his wife and child behind. Lily being the curious child she was, she did some research. Her father had gotten into some legal trouble and ran so he could avoid the consequences. A part of her missed the man she never really got the chance to know. Her mother said that him leaving was for the best.

Lily grabbed a fresh pancake and began eating it like it was the last thing on Earth. To be honest she was starving after missing dinner the night before. By the time Lily had finished her breakfast it was 7:15 and she had to start making her way towards the bus stop.

Hey guys I am sorry for this extremely late update. I will be honest and say that I just had no clue where to go with this story, but I am excited to say that I have a plan now!

What do you think her father did?

And our question of the chapter is...

What is your favorite color, or favorite color combo?

Mine is red and black!

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