Chances & Ethan's Regret

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All the while I can feel Ethan's burning gaze on my back, he is just behind me. I turned to look at him then fiercely glare at him. He was surprised that I acted harshly to him. Before I can say my final words to Ethan my mother followed me and she introduced me to my betrothed.

"Princess, there you are. You are so beautiful, as what I've said earlier Dylan will be joining us in your joyous day. Let me introduce to you your future hubby, Dylan Mikail C. Buenavista. Dylan, this is my beautiful daughter Leianna Aurora B. Cristobal."

"Hi, nice to meet you, Dylan. I've heard so much about you from my Mom. How kind and effortless for you to join us on my graduation."

"The pleasure is all mine, Ara. You're name Aurora suits you have such a goddess beauty. Well I fell for you at first sight when you're mother told me about you so I came to see you personally. I wasn't disappointed. My future wife is very beautiful, I can't wait to marry you when you graduate from college." Dylan said while smiling and gazing at me. I blush from the gaze while calming my heart, and I guess my mother saw me blushing she just smirked at me.

"Thank you for the compliment, I appreciate it. Honestly, me too I fell for you the moment my Mom told me I am betrothed to you since I was born. I wasn't even aware of what my parents had arranged. But I'm not disappointed. I am grateful for what my parents had done."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure what is it, Dylan?"

"Can we go out tomorrow? Will you be my wife unofficially?" He said then knelt in one knee. My schoolmates gasped and I was surprised. My mother just signalled me to say yes.

"Yes of course, Dylan."

"Thank you so much, Ara! I promise I won't hurt you, you don't deserve a jerk like Ethan." Dylan said then he spun me around and I just giggled.

"CONGRATULATIONS, AURORA. WE ARE HAPPY FOR YOU, YOU ARE SO LUCKY YOU FINALLY FOUND YOU'RE TRUE LOVE." my friends said while crying and sniffing. I hugged them all once I was down.

"Hey, congrats Aurora. I'm happy for you, looks like Ethan is silently crying in a corner." Duke said while eyeing Ethan in a corner. I approached Dylan then asked his permission.

"Hubby, can I approach Ethan for a while? Don't worry he means nothing to me now. My heart is only beating for you so you don't have to worry."

"Sure, wifey go ahead. You need closure I know."

I approached Ethan and he didn't notice my presence so he was surprised. I smiled a genuine smile then hugged him in a friendly manner. He silently sobbed on my shoulders, I patted his back and he calmed down before wiping his tears away. Then he smiled at me for the first time since I've known him. I smiled back then asked what's wrong.

"Ethan, why are you crying? Is there something wrong?"

"Ahm, to tell you the truth, Anna I am crying because I lost my chance with you. I didn't mean for this to happen. I was just only protecting you from our classmates, that's why I did all those things I did to you. They threatened me that they would do worst to you if I didn't agree with their plan. So that's why I did all those things that hurt you, I was only protecting you. And the way you glared at me at the line constantly reminded me that I'm a jerk for hurting you. I knew since we first met that you're a special kind-hearted girl, I saw how you treated other people. You are so kind, you have a golden pure heart that's what made me fall for you at first sight. I saw what's behind you're nerdy glass, you have a heart of gold. But now I lost my chance, and I have to let you go. I wasn't the one for you, but I just hope we could be friends."

"So that's you're reason. Why didn't you tell me, Ethan? You know I will always be there for you, you can trust me. But why did you hide it from me? I deserve to know, Ethan. I am not that cruel to someone who apologizes sincerely after everything. I forgive you despite everything you did, Ethan. I did love you but I realized I am not the one you are destined to be with. Someday or maybe soon the one for you will come. Just wait, maybe she's just around the corner, you just haven't had the time to notice her. Yes we can be friends, Ethan. Thank you for protecting me. Come let me introduce to you my fiancé." I said then pulled him from his reveree.

"Thank you so much for forgiving me, Anna. You really have a heart of gold. Let's go, I wanna meet your future husband." Ethan said while smiling genuinely.

After the graduation program, everyone celebrated the joyous event. I felt complete now that I had finally found my true love at a young age, I could not ask more. Six months passed and I became busy organizing my engagement and debut. I had faced so many obstacles in my studies the past six months but I was a very smart woman. While walking to my class I smiled at everyone and they smiled back at me while greeting. I had been recently elected as class president and the supreme student council president because I was easy to get along with.

"Good morning, Pres. Will you be going to the council room later?"

"Yes I am, Aria. Do I have any scheduled meetings today?"

"I'll tell you later, Pres. Just go to your class."

"Okay, I'll be going now, Bye Aria."

When I reached the room my friends approached me and kissed my cheek before I went to my sit. They smiled at me right on timing our professor arrived. We greeted our professor and went back to sit but before class starts their professor had announced something to their class.

"Ms. Cristobal will you do me the honor of making a film for our class fair next month? You will be one of the cast then Ms. Ivy will be the director. Is it okay with you, class president?"

"Of course, Sir. Thank you for the opportunity I won't disappoint you."

"The theme of our school fair will be Valentines because next month is the month of hearts."

"Yes, Sir I'll make the script later this evening then I'll email it to you."

"Noted, Ms. Cristobal."

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