16 Part 2 Wife duties

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Four hours passed before I prepared Hubby's and I’s dinner and the girls helped me. While I was in the kitchen, the other girls were in the dining room slicing the ingredients I need for our dinner. When suddenly my phone rang, I took out my phone from my shorts pocket and answered the call.
“Hello, who’s this?” I asked the caller without looking at the screen.
“Wifey, it’s me Dylan your hubby. Let me guess, you didn’t look at the screen when you answered the phone, didn’t you? Anyway, how are you Wifey?”
“Oh Hubby, it’s you. Yes, you’re right I didn’t look at the screen when I answered your call. I’m fine, my girlfriends and classmates visited me here at our house, I asked them to. I was busy in the kitchen preparing our dinner that’s why I wasn’t able to look at the screen. Is it alright, Hubby?”
“Didn’t I tell you to rest on our room and not do anything, Wifey? I know you have jetlag, so why didn’t you just rest for a while? By the way, I’ll be back at 7pm so by then you have to be finished in the kitchen, alright Wifey?”
“I know you told me to rest on our room and not do anything, Hubby. But I’m dying in boredom, that’s why I video called my girlfriends and girl classmates to visit me here. I’m not used to doing nothing at all, Hubby. This is what I love doing. Besides, I also have a company to run.”
“I know that, Wifey. Let’s not fight anymore, I understand you. So if that’s what you love, I won’t stop you from doing it. I’m just worried, I know in a month you’ll get the symptoms of pregnancy and I’m scared that you might get miscarriage that’s why I’m taking care of you.”
“I understand your reason, Hubby, but I’m not a China doll. I will listen to you once we find out the result, but right now, let me do what I love doing.”
“If that’s what you want, Wifey. I won’t stop you I’ll be home in a while. What did you prepare for our dinner, Wifey?”
“Well, I cooked chicken parmesan, Italian bruschetta and chicken and mushroom casserole.”
“Hm, yum Wifey. I’ll be there in 30 minutes.”
“Okay, Hubby. Take care and drive safely. No over-speeding alright, I’ll prepare our dinner so bye for now Hubby. The girls are calling me already.”
“Okay, Wifey. Wait for me alright, I’ll invite the guys over. I love you so much.”
“Bye, Hubby I love you so much too.” I said, then hung up the call. After a while I took out the chicken parmesan and chicken mushroom casserole out of the oven, then I set up the dining table and lastly I served the dish. Thirty minutes passed, and I heard Hubby’s car honking on the gate I called the guard to open the gate and after a while Dylan went inside while removing his tie. I approached him, kissed him on the lips, then I led him to the dining table.
“Hubby come and sit let’s eat dinner.”
“Sure, Wifey oh right, I invited the guys here tonight. They’ll be here in thirty minutes. Let’s eat your dish, Wifey.” Dylan said while smiling, then put some pasta on his plate followed by the chicken, bruschetta and the chicken and mushroom casserole. He also put some pasta on my plate, then the chicken, bruschetta and chicken and mushroom casserole while I took out the carrot cake and some freshly squeezed orange juice from our refrigerator.
“Let’s eat, girls come and join us on the dining table please.” I said to the girls, and they sat on each of the chairs at the dining table when the guys arrived at our front door. Ethan approached Samantha, then kissed her forehead. I sat beside Dylan while he fed me, and I fed him as well.
“Wifey, the dish you cooked is delicious and divine. I fell more in love with you, I am such a lucky man to have a talented wife. Destiny did a good job in picking you as my fated wife.” Dylan said while smiling at me. I blushed slightly but smiled back at him.
That didn’t go unnoticed to our visitors they gagged at the sight of us. Hubby and I shared a look and agreed on our minds to tease them with Dylan’s friends. We smiled teasingly at my friends, who were blushing because of Dylan’s friends staring at them.
“Bro, it looks like you haven’t gotten used to Wifey and I’s sweetness.”
“Yeah, Lil Bro gagging at us, we saw you. You can’t even let go of Samantha’s waist.”
“Fine, it’s just you’re so sweet ants are so shy to approach you lovebirds.”
“We have to agree with Ethan. You love birds are sickening. Ants are gonna bite us sooner.” Clara said while blushing slightly.

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