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Months flew by and I was already on my fifth month of pregnancy. The events in the past 3 months were exciting a week after we found out that I’m pregnant, Cyrus and the other guys proposed to my girlfriends. They were all happy even I am, what’s important to me is that my friends are happy and are soon to be married like I am. Dylan and I were currently on our way to my ob-gyne when we arrived my ob-gyne instructed me to change into the gown and lay down on the bed. I followed her and before we knew she put some gel on my belly and pointed the ultrasound on it. I heard our baby’s heart beating I didn’t realize tears were running down my cheeks. Dylan wiped the tears off my face and I smiled.
“Mr and Mrs. Buenavista, do you want to know the gender of your baby?”
“Yes please, Doc. Can we see it?” I asked while smiling.
“Looks like you’ll be having a boy. Look, there're the genitals of your baby.”
“A boy who will look after my princess. Thank you so much, Doc.” Dylan said, then I went to change into my dress and we left the clinic. We went to our parents’ house to get everyone to help us organize a gender reveal and combined baby shower. After 3 days we could finish organizing the gender reveal and baby shower.
“Is everyone ready for the gender reveal? Let’s get this on the house. Guess first!”
“I bet it’s a boy! He will be handsome just like his father or a mix of the mother and father.”Cyrus, Clara, Daddy, Francis and Lucas said in unison.
“I bet it’s a girl! She will be beautiful just like her mother.” Abby, Layla, Empress, James, mother and twinny shouted in unison.
“Okay, let’s see if you’re guesses are right.” Dylan and I said in unison then cut the cake revealing a blue on the inside we smiled at them.
“We’re right, it’s a boy! Told you so, girls.” Cyrus and his other companions said while smirking at Abby and the others.
After the gender reveal, everyone gave us gifts for our baby boy. We thanked them all for attending our gender reveal. Before I knew time flew by so fast and I was already on my due date, It was Christmas eve I was due in day. When suddenly I felt contractions while we were having our exchange gifts. I didn’t pay attention to it but Dylan must have noticed I was wincing in pain.
“Wifey, why are you wincing? Wait, don’t tell me you’re going into labor! Guys, Mom, Dad, Wifey is going into labor! Let’s get her to the hospital! Prepare the van!” Dylan said in a panicked voice, then carried me bridal style. Everyone ran around in panic, even my girlfriends I laughed at them while heaving a breath.
“Hubby, don’t panic! I’m alright! Yes, I am going into labor but don’t panic.” I said to him while smiling.
“What do you mean, don’t panic? You are going into labor how can I be calm. You are the only woman I saw whose calm enough despite going into labor.”
“I’m alright, Hubby let’s just go to the hospital. You panicking is going to stress me out.” I said, then we all went to the van and drove off to the hospital.
When we arrived, Dylan and I were sent to the delivery room while the others were outside waiting for us. I was on 9 centimetres ready to push when I felt the most excruciating contraction I felt before I knew the doctor ordered me to push.
“Wifey, push you can do it. Our baby is almost there, I admire you for being strong despite feeling the most painful contraction. How come you are so relaxed while in labor?”
“Hubby, because I was born a fighter. Childbirth is painful yes but you know the meaning of my name Aurora she’s the Goddess of Dawn but also a fighter.”
“Mrs. Buenavista, one last push your son’s head is out.” The doctor commanded, and I gave all my strength in pushing when I heard a cry. I wasn’t tired so I look and I saw Dylan holding our newborn son.
“Congratulations, Mr.and Mrs. Buenavista, you have a healthy baby boy!”The doctor said smiling at us.
“Welcome to our world, Bryce Mikhail C. Buenavista.” Dylan and I said in unison while smiling at our newborn child. Then Dylan kissed me on my forehead and lips, saying I love you so much. And this is the end of our story.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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