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Two months passed and the events from last 8 weeks ago were relaxing and exciting. Ethan and Samantha got married after the stag party while the guys and the girls are getting stronger each day they were already in a relationship. This past few weeks I am feeling sick to my stomach, I have a feeling I’m already pregnant because I keep having weird cravings for food. My theory was proven correct when one afternoon when I was done eating my lunch, my girlfriends visited me while I was in our company.
“Girl, you don’t look so good. What have you been doing?” Clara asked in a worried voice.
“Well, I’ve been busy sketching some new designs for the upcoming fashion show in 3 months.”
“How are you feeling this past few days, Biatch?” Abby said with a worried face.
“I don’t know I have been craving weird food for the past few days. I feel like I’m pregnant.”
“What else are you feeling, Ara? What do you usually crave?” Samantha said worriedly.
“I’ve been craving not ripened mangoes dipped in spicy salsa, spicy flavoured chocolate.”
“I think you’re right, you may be pregnant. Let’s buy some pregnancy test on a drugstore nearby.”
“Let’s go, girls. Lead the way, Ara.” Layla said then we went out of the company to a nearby drugstore. When we got there, Samantha was the one who bought the pregnancy test kit. After buying the kit, we went back to the company and I went to the comfort room in my office. But before I could go there, I suddenly felt light-headed and afterwards I fainted. I heard my girlfriends shout to wake me up, but I couldn’t open my eyes. An hour passed I woke up in an unfamiliar place, I looked to my left and I saw my girlfriends together with their boyfriends, Dylan, my twin and my family in the room.
“What happened? Where am I? The only thing I remember was I’m going to the comfort room in the company when I felt light-headed.”
“Serenity, my sweet, can you tell us what happened?” Cyrus asked Clara while gazing at her.
“We’re visiting Ara in the company she was done eating her lunch. We talked about how she was doing and she said she was busy sketching some new designs for the fashion show in 3 months. When Abby asked her how she was feeling she said she’s been craving weird food for the past few days she also said she had a feeling, she’s pregnant. Samantha asked her what she was craving and to prove Ara and our theories are correct, we went to a nearby drugstore near the company to buy a kit. When we bought the kit, she was about to go to the comfort room when she fainted. We panicked and carried her to our car to go to the hospital, then we called you all.”
“My princess, you had us worried sick when Abby told us you fainted.” my father said then hugged me.
“I’m sorry I worried you, Daddy.”
“It’s alright, my princess. Where’s the doctor, Abby?” my father asked Abby when the door opened and the doctor came.
“Doc, how is my wife? Why did she faint?”Dylan asked worriedly while approaching me, then held my hand in his.
“It’s normal, Mr. Buenavista. She was stressed from work, according to her results she’s two months pregnant. But it’s her first baby, and she’s been having too much pressure, so it’s been affecting her baby. She had pains today because her womb contracted under her stress. Mrs. Buenavista had a feeling she was pregnant, but now take good care of her because it’s really easy to have a miscarriage on the first baby. Don’t let her be too emotional, or it might hurt the baby. I advise her to take iron vitamins and complete bed rest.”
“I was right, I am pregnant. That’s why I’ve been having weird cravings. Thank you, Doc, for the wonderful news. I promise to take good care of myself from now on. Daddy, can you please appoint my twin sister to take care of the company until I’m gone? You heard the doctor I need to have complete bed rest. I can’t be stressed but I’ll take it easy for a while I’ll still be active but not frequently. I’ll still be the one to sketch the new designs for the fashion show and I’ll be there.”
“Of course, Princess. We only want what’s best for you and our grandchild. I AM GOTTA BE A GRANDPA! I’ll spoil my grandchild so rotten.”
“Wohoo, Dylan Jr. is coming on its way! Bro, you are a sharp shooter! I wanna get married sooner!”Cyrus said while gazing at Clara. I smiled knowingly at Dylan.
“Wifey, you just made me the happiest man alive! Finally, our family is complete, I am so happy that I have you in my life and I am even happier because our love has been marked forever by our baby. And Wifey, I know that smile on your face. Come closer and I’ll tell you *whisper*Cyrus is already planning to propose to Clara. Don’t tell her, alright? It will ruin the surprise.” Dylan said while smiling and saying the last part in a whisper. I gave an o reaction then after settling the bills we all went home.

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