16 Part 3 Love at first sight

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That flustered reaction from her didn’t go unnoticed by me. I looked at Dylan’s friends and saw Cyrus staring at Clara. I smiled teasingly at Hubby then he looked at me I pointed to Cyrus and he saw him staring at Clara. He also smiled teasingly.
“Best Clara, why are you blushing ;)? Let me guess, you’re blushing because Cyrus Hubby’s close friend has been staring at you for a while now, haven’t you? I saw him staring at you.”I smiled and winked at her flustered reaction.
“Yohoo, Cyrus bro, why are you staring at Clara? Staring is rude ;).” Dylan said while smirking at the already flustered Cyrus.
“Bro, I know it’s rude to stare at a lady. But isn’t it more rude that you didn’t introduce me to the beautiful lady here? If we’re talking about rudeness, then it’s you who is more rude in here.” Cyrus said, defending himself.
“Sorry about that, Bro. Excuse my manners, Wifey, please introduce your girlfriends to my friends.”
“My pleasure, Hubby. Best Clara, why don’t you start with the introduction.” I said to Clara while smiling she smiled back at me.
“Hi, good evening my name is Clara Serenity F. Abrenica. The youngest daughter in the family, 24 years old, single and I have an oldest brother his name is Darien Skyler F. Abrenica. You can call me Clara or Serenity, whichever you like.” Clara said while extending her hand to Cyrus.
“Nice to meet you. I’ll call you Serenity instead of Clara your name is beautiful it suits you. My name is Cyrus Reidrex A. Fernandez, the oldest in the family, 25 years old, single and I have a younger sibling, her name is Luna Cyndi A. Fernandez. You can call me Cyrus or Reidrex, whichever you like. Can I court you?” Cyrus said, taking Clara’s hand while smiling.
“Of course you can, Reidrex. But you’ll have to go through my brother first, he’s quite overprotective of me. Even my father, they’re both overprotective of me.”
“Of course I will, I’ll ask your brother’s permission first.”
“Good evening, my name is Empress Angela P. Chua. The youngest child in the family, 25 years old, single and I have an older brother, his friends with Dylan my brother’s name is Elliot James P. Chua. You can call me Empress or Angela, whichever you choose.” Empress said while smiling and extending her hand to Drake.
“Hi, good evening too my name is Drake Evans C. Javier. I am an only child, 26 years old and single. Your name is so beautiful it suits you. I’ll call you Angela instead of Empress I already know your brother he mentioned he has a younger sister. Can I court you?”
“Of course you can, but you’ll have to get permission from my brother first. Both my father and brother are quite overprotective of me. If you get their approval, you can court me officially.”
“Hi, my name is Layla Avianna C. Palermo. I am the youngest child in the family, 26 years old, single, and I have two older brothers. Their names are Liam Harvy and Lance Mikhail C. Palermo. You can call me Aila, Layla or Avianna, whichever you choose.” Layla said while smiling sweetly, then extended her hand to James.
“Nice to meet you, my name is Elliot James P. Chua. You’re already friends with my younger sister, Empress. I am the oldest in the family, 27 years old and single. You have an exquisite name, I’ll call you Avianna. I will court you if you would allow me.” Elliot said while gazing at Layla and taking her extended hand.
“Yes, you can, but you’ll have to go through my father and two brothers. They are quite overprotective since I am the only girl in the family, I’ll call you Elliot since no one calls you that.”
“Hi, good evening, my name is Francis Leighton I. Abellano. I am an only child in the family, 27 years old and single. What’s your name, Ms?”
“Good evening, my name is Abby Gale C. Roa. I am the middle child and the only girl in the family, 26 years old, single and I have twin older brothers. Their names are Adrien Jacob and Alistair Mikhail A. Ilagan. You can call me Gale or Abby.” Abby said while smiling genuinely at Francis, then extending her hand.
“Nice to meet you. You have a beautiful name I’ll call you Gale since no one likes to call you that. Can I court you? If you will allow me to.” Francis said while gazing at Abby and taking her hand, then kissed it.
“I permit you to, but you’ll have to go through my father and two brothers. They are quite the overprotective type since I am the only girl.”
After the introductions and finishing our dinner, we went our separate ways. Dylan’s friends escorted my friends to their homes while Hubby and I went to sleep.

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