The Proposal

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After buying all the things I needed we went back to meet with the guys. When suddenly my phone rang at my purse so I picked it up when I saw it was Hubby.
“Wifey, where are you, aunt and the other girls?”
“We we’re on our way to meeting you guys. Why, Hubby?”
“Oh okay, nothing I just miss you. Meet us at the parking lot.”
“Okay, Hubby we’re on our way.”I said then hung up the call.
“Mom, girls Hubby just called. He said to meet them at the parking lot. Let’s go.”I said while smiling then we went to meet the guys at the parking lot.
A week passed and everything was ready for Dylan and I’s engagement and my twin and I’s debut party. A lot has happened it was so stressful this past few days counted with last week. But overall I had fun planning the engagement and my debut. Last Monday we distributed the invitations for the engagement and my twin and I’s debut. My parents we’re the ones who gave my classmates parents the invitation to our debut and engagement. They said to bring their daughters and sons. Yesterday we went to pick up my gown and my twin met up with us at the mall. Today is a very special day for me, it’s my engagement and my twin and I’s debut. My twin and I we’re currently having our makeover while the guys where in the other room.
After finishing my makeup, the girls and my mother helped me change into my dress. When I was done the girls gasped at my reflection and I smiled sweetly with confidence. After a while, the event coordinator called me to go to the hall. Together with the girls and my mother I went to the hall. (A/N: the next person point of view is Dylan.). Once I saw Aurora I gasped she was so beautiful her hair is in a crown fishtail braid with a Greek Goddess Laurel leaf gold tiara on top. She was wearing a pure white lace high neck bodycon dress paired with 5 inches gold knee high gladiator stilettos. After a few seconds of being stunned I came back to reality. I smiled at her and she smiled back. Suddenly the instrumental song of I Do(Cherish You). She was stunned but after a while she smiled at me. When I was done singing I knelt in one knee and pop her the question.
“Wifey, I know you already have a clue on what’s going to happen. You also know I did this on your graduation day from high school. But it’s not our official engagement just yet, so I’m gonna ask again. Will you make me the happiest guy on earth by marrying me? Will you be my wife?”I asked Aurora while smiling and handing her a infinity necklace.
“Of course I will, Hubby. Don’t worry because no matter how many times you propose to me, my answer will always be yes.”Aurora said while crying tears of joy then she hugged me. I hugged her back.
“I would like to take this opportunity to say Aurora and I are officially engaged. Let’s enjoy the food and thank you for coming.”I said while pulling Aurora closer to me. (A/N: the next point of view is Aurora.).
After the picture taking everyone went to the buffet. Dylan didn’t want me to get tired so he was the one who went to the buffet table. A minute passed and Dylan came back with a tray of food for us. All throughout our lunch, we we’re so sweet. After 3 hours our engagement party ended and the girls and my mom dragged me to our hotel room to have my makeover. While we we’re busy with the pictorial there was a knock on the door. My mother opened the door and it revealed my father. My father came in and cried tears of joy my twin and I hugged our father.
“My two princesses, I can’t believe how time flies so fast. You two are now a full-fledged woman, it seems only yesterday when your mom carried you two in her womb, gave birth to you and I held you in my arms. But now you twins are now a lady, I can’t help but cry.”
“Dad, even though we are already 18 and I am getting married after college. Twinnie and I will always be your little girl.”
“Enough with the sentimental. I am giving you twins a family heirloom, your great grandfather gave it to me when he was still alive. This heirloom will be passed by generations to generations. Please take good care of it. This is the sapphire bracelet, wear it with confidence and honor.”our Dad said handing us the two pairs of sapphire bracelet.
“Daphne and Aurora, please come forward. I also have something to give you, it is the Buenavista’s family heirloom. This is the looped sapphire necklace, wear it with honor and pride. Please take good care of this heirloom, you twins have come of age. And according to Buenavista’s tradition once a heiress comes of age they will have to inherit the looped sapphire necklace.”our mother said handing us the pairs of looped sapphire necklace.
After the handling ceremony of the sapphire bracelet and sapphire looped necklace. Our make-up artist continued our makeover and our father went out of our room. When we we’re done with our makeover the girls and my mother helped us change into our first gown. Taking a look at the human sized mirror. I was stunned with my own appearance not like on my engagement party hair and makeup session. I look beautiful my hair is in a Grecian braid updo with a winged Aphrodite forehead crown. My twin has also the same hairstyle but hers is a moon goddess forehead crown. Our gown is a Grecian halter v-neck dress paired with gold star and rose shaped masquerade mask. After a while, the event coordinator said the program is about to start.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Today is a very special event in the lives of this twin sisters, their 18th birthday. Only once in a while, a girl turns 18 it’s a magical time where the whole world seems to gleam. Without them their lives will be empty and unhappy. Let’s give a round of applause to Mr. Samuel Jayden D. Cristobal and Mrs. Skylar Haley B. Cristobal.” The emcee announced. After saying our parents name we went down the hall when the coordinator signalled us to wait at the entrance.
“Now, guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen. Let us all stand as we welcome our debutant as a woman of grandeur now turning legal escorted by her close friend Mr. Ethan Xavier C. Romualdez and her twin sister escorted by their brother Lucas Mikhail B. Cristobal. Let’s give a round of applause to Ms. Leianna Aurora B. Cristobal and her twin sister Daphne Isabella B. Cristobal.”the emcee announced and we went inside the hall escorted by my brother and close friend. I took a glance at Dylan and he was gawking at me, I smiled at him making him blush slightly and turn him back into reality. Lil Bro and I walked in the spotlight arm in arm. When we reached the stage the emcee announced the picture-taking before eating dinner.
After the picture-taking the guests went to the buffet table. An hour passed and the program continued. One by one the emcee called the persons included in my 18 blouses, books, doll shoes and meaningful gifts. After the last 18 meaningful gifts, my twin and I went to change into our final gown. While we we’re changing we heard our love ones wishes for us. When we we’re done the emcee announced our arrival again.
“I am calling the attention of our debutants let’s give it up for Ms. Leianna Aurora B. Cristobal and her twin sister Ms. Daphne Isabella B. Cristobal escorted by Mr. Ethan Xavier C. Romualdez and Mr. Lucas Mikhail B. Cristobal. Let’s give them a round of applause.”the emcee announced and we went down the hall again escorted by my brother and close friend. I take a look at Dylan and he’s jaw dropped and is gawking at me. I approached him and kiss him on the lips before tapping his cheek. No surprised why he was gawking at me and his jaw dropped it’s because I was so beautiful. I didn’t even recognize myself when I looked at the mirror. My waist length hair is in a half up half down Dutch double crown braid with a gold Athena forehead crown. I was wearing a sparkling glittered glow in the dark blue appliquéd long sleeve ball gown.

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