Wife duties

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A week passed, and we went home to the Philippines. All throughout our honeymoon, I came to know Dylan’s other side. He was a pervert, there was never a time we made love all night, but he’s also gentle, caring and sweet. When we came home, he won’t let me do anything, even carrying our stuffs to our room. He said I should rest so here I am lying on our bed doing nothing but watch Netflix. I was the wife here I should be the one taking care of him. I feel so useless; I’m not used to doing nothing, so I grabbed my phone on our bedside table and video called my girlfriends and our classmates. They answered in one ring.
“Hello, Biatch! How are you doing? How was the honeymoon?” Abby said on the other line while looking at the screen.
“Fine, I came to know Hubby’s other side. He’s a pervert but gentle, caring and sweet.”
“I wish all guys are like Dylan. Why’d you call, Ara?”Samantha said while smiling.
“I’m dying of boredom here can you guys visit me? Hubby won’t let me do anything; you know I’m not used to doing nothing. He won’t even let me carry our stuff from the honeymoon. Sheesh, I’m the wife here I should be the one taking care of him but no he won’t let me do anything.”
“Ara, we understand. If we’re in your situation, we also would have died of boredom. Okay, we’ll visit you once this call ended. Maybe we can have some bonding at your house. You know, to pass the time. How was the honeymoon anyway?”Clara said while smiling at me.
“It was exciting and wonderful. I don’t know how many times we made love. I won’t be surprised if I get pregnant in a month. Hubby was a pervert, but very gentle with me. It will be no shock if I get pregnant sooner he cummed inside me so many times. He was so eager to have a baby.”
“Anyway, where is your husband?” Layla asked while looking at the screen.
“He’s kinda busy with some paperworks in the office. He told me he won’t be back till dinner. So what do you say we have a bonding time here? You know to talk about stuff while I prepare our dinner later. Hubby won’t be back till 7pm.”
“Okay, Ara we’ll be there in an hour.” one of our girl classmates said.
“Okay, Biatch/Ara, we have to prepare. See you there.” Abby, Layla and Sam said in unison while waving at me. I ended the call, took a quick shower, then dressed myself in a simple white shorts and ocean blue halter neck crop top.
Once I was done, I went down to the kitchen to prepare us some snacks. I baked a one whole carrot cake which is my favourite dessert because it’s my mother’s recipe. After an hour, my girlfriends and our girl classmates arrived at our house. I led them to our entertainment room to watch some movies on Netflix while watching the movie we talked about other stuff.
“Ara, how is your husband? Why won’t he be back till 7pm?”
“Hubby is such a wonderful husband. Well, he texted me that there was a meeting at the company so he won’t be back till 7pm. Good thing, I know my way inside the house because I’ve been here when I met his parents for the first time. And also I was planning to cook us dinner later, I know he won’t like it if I did anything. But I can’t just stay in bed all day and have servants serve me, I wasn’t used to doing nothing. My mother trained me and besides at our house even though they treat me like a princess I don’t like to be treated that way, although I deserve to be treated like one. You, guys know me I’m a simple lady I don’t like getting attention.”
“We understand you, Ara. Yeah, we know you well, you like being simple. We really admire you for being simple. You have been born with great benefits, but you don’t like it. It’s good that your husband is very caring to you. If not, we will give him a piece of our minds.” Clara said while smiling at me.
“Anyway, putting that aside. Sam, how is it going with your fiancé?” I asked Samantha turning my attention to her.
“Well, getting stronger, Ara. We’ve talked about the wedding and it’s in two weeks. He’s been eager to get married sooner. I asked him why and he answered because he can’t wait to make me his Mrs. Romualdez any longer. And because of his family connections they could rush it and he said recently that it will be next week.”
“WHAT?! Why was I not informed about this?”I said gaping like a fish.
“Sorry about that, Ara. He just told me yesterday.”
“Oh, so now, what do we do? Who will be your maid of honor?”
“Obviously, Ara, you are so dense. Who do you think is my close friend? Of course it’s you, you’re my closest friend in high school.”
“Who will be the best man?”
“Love said it’s Dylan because their best friends.”
“Oh, so the only thing you’re missing is your bachelorette party. Let me plan that, I have a perfect plan in mind.” I said while smiling knowingly.

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