The Plan

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Later that afternoon when their class ended I went home, changed into a more comfortable outfit before going down to the garden. While I was busy typing in my laptop my high school friends together with Ethan and my boyfriend visited our home. I didn’t notice their presence but when Dylan tapped my shoulder I jumped high and was surprised. I glared at him for laughing at me and it only worsened my glare when his other companions started laughing.
“Yeah, laugh it up, guys! That wasn’t funny, you nearly gave me a heart attack! I was busy typing the script for our school fair next month! Which by the way, I don’t appreciate you disturbing me during my work. I have so many things to do, being the recently elected class president and supreme student council president. Can’t you sense the atmosphere around here?!”
“I’m sorry, Wifey. I didn’t mean to scare you like that. I didn’t even sense your aura, Wifey. Really I am so sorry. What did you just say?”
“Yeah, were sorry to, Baby sis, Princess and Aurora. We didn’t notice you were so serious. What did you just say earlier?” said Ethan and the others while eyeing me suspiciously.
“Did you even clean your ears, guys? I just said I was recently elected as class president of our class and supreme student council president.”
“I was waiting for the right time to say it, guys. Now if you’ll excuse me I’ll just finish my script and send it to our professor.”
“Alright, we’ll leave you alone. We will celebrate later.”
“Thank you for understanding, guys. Of course we will celebrate later. Why don’t we head to the beach today? After all there is a two-week semestral break from school. We announced it earlier.”
“That’s a great idea, Princess. Let’s go to our private resort here in Batangas.” said my mother and father.
“Of course, Mom, Dad. Now let me get this script done it’s almost in the ending already.”
After thirty minutes, I managed to finish the script before the deadline. I then emailed it to our professor. After about an hour our professor replied to my email saying “You’re script is excellent, Ms. Cristobal. I’ve already approved it. You’ll just have to give it to the director after our long break. Have a blessed vacation, Ms. Cristobal. We will be filming it after our two-week semestral break, please inform the class.” he said then I sent a message to our class group chat before shutting my laptop down and preparing my things for our outing.
Then I went to take a quick shower before getting dressed in a pair of green hanging top that showed my belly and a white high waist shorts then paired it with a black high cut converse shoes. After a while, my friends came to my room to check on me.
“Ara, are you finished packing?”
“Yes I am, come in, girls. I have something to discuss.”
“You are planning something, aren’t you, Ara?” said Abby while eyeing me suspiciously.
“Yes I am, Abby. You really do know me, Biatch.” I said while smiling knowingly.
“I knew it. What is it that you’re planning, Biatch?” she said
“I am planning to get back at Hubby for scaring me today.” I smiled evilly
“What’s the plan, anyway?”
“Here’s the plan for today. Once we arrived at our private resort I will take time to choose my swimsuit, right there I will call you guys. Once I’ve changed into my swimsuit you will go down after 3 minutes I will follow with my robe on of course. Then Samantha will say to me that let’s go swimming, Ara. I will act as if I didn’t hear her then she will call Ethan and he will throw me to the pool with my robe still on me. You Abby will say “Hey, Biatch. You are looking like a fool, then I will say and why huh? You will say, look at yourself you still have your robe on. Take off your robe already. Then I will go out of the pool and remove my robe. You, my girlfriends will see Hubby’s reaction when he sees me wearing a swimsuit.”
“That’s a great plan, Ara. You really are so smart. Let’s go down our companions are waiting.”
We went to the van then the driver started driving to Batangas. Afer 3 hours of driving we arrived in our private resort. But before I can go up to my room, my parents had announced who will be my roommate. I was roomed with my girlfriends while Ethan was with Dylan. I smiled knowingly at my friends before we went up to our room. When inside the room I started picking my swimsuit and my girlfriends suggested my black fitting two piece swimsuit. I smiled evilly before putting my robe on while my girlfriends already went down. After a while I went to the pool and was greeted by Samantha.
“Ara, let’s go swimming already.”
“Hmppp, tskkk, tssss. Tchh.”
“Oh you’re acting as if you didn’t hear me. Well then, Love, throw Ara to the pool please.”
“W-WHA?!” I said but before I could finish my sentence Ethan had already carried me and threw me into the pool causing me and my robe to get wet.
“Hey, Biatch. You are looking like a fool.”
“And why is that, Biatch?!”
“Look at yourself you still have your robe on. Take off your robe already.”
“Tsssk, okay fine. Oh and Samantha, take off your robe too. You haven’t took your robe off. TAKE IT OFF ALREADY!” I went out of the pool followed by Samantha who was lying on the beach chair then we started to take off our robe revealing our sexy curvaceous body. I looked at my friends and they signalled Samantha and I to look at Dylan and Ethan. We turned to look at Dylan and Ethan we saw their jaws dropped. We smiled evilly approached them then kissed our guys torridly before blowing a breath on their ears causing them to gulp.
“Hahaha, got you there, Hubby! You were gulping! Don’t take me seriously, I was just trying to get back at you for scaring me today. I was only seducing you, looks like it worked. Haha lmao!”
“Haha lmao, Love I got you there! You were gulping! Let me guess you where about to have a nose bleed, weren’t you, Love?! Don’t take me seriously, I was only seducing you and it looks like it worked.”
“Oops, sorry, Hubby. Bye!
Got to go now!”
“Hehehe, oops sorry, Love. Bye! Aurora and I will go swimming now! Talk to you later!”

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